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What Does Aloe Vera Smell Like – Quick Answer

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Aloe vera is a shrub with a short stem. Its roots are poorly developed with the leaves, which are long (up to 60 cm), fleshy, and covered with thorns at the edges.

Many people mistakenly call this succulent a cactus, as it can also store water supplies. Thanks to this ability, because aloe vera survived severe climatic changes. In extreme situations, the skin pores are closed, and moisture is retained in the leaves for a long time.

Aloe juice contains many valuable substances that make it possible to treat inflammation, suppuration, and other pathological processes that may appear on the skin. It is used in cosmetic products for hair and skin care.

Also, the leaves are used to prepare medicines, masks, and creams. Aloe vera has a unique smell, which anybody can feel. So, what does aloe vera smell like?

What Does Aloe Vera Smell Like
Aloe Vera Plant via Wikimedia

Breeding Methods For Aloe Vera

1. Rooting cuttings              

The aloe vera can breed using the rooting cuttings. Planting materials are taken from different parts of the plant but rooted using the same technology.

Carefully break off the leaf as close to the ground as possible. It must be at least 5-10 cm high. Place it for a day in a dark place in the apartment so that the cut dry up and heals up. You can dip the tear-off site into crushed charcoal for disinfection.

Then bury the leaf in wet sand to a depth of 1 cm. Do not spray the plant and cover it with a jar or film. Only sand must remain wet at all times. After two weeks, the aloe vera should take root. The more intense green color can understand this, and a new leaf will appear.

2. Propagated by children (root shoots)

When seedlings appear at the base of the mother plant – small plants 5-10 cm high with 2-3 leaves, you can use them as planting material. 

There are two ways to separate those: altogether remove the mother plant, along with the roots, shoots and soil from the pot, carefully disconnect the seedlings along with the roots, and sow the plants.

Then carefully dig out the shoots from the pot without transferring the mature plant and trying not to damage the roots.

3. Growing from seeds

Aloe vera can be grown from seed, but it is a long and challenging process. You are required to prepare the soil: 1 part of leafy land (peat), two parts of turf land, and two parts of river sand. Sow seeds in early spring. You can lightly sprinkle them with earth or press them into the soil.

Carefully monitor the sowing, and the sand should always be wet. The optimum germination temperature is 20 ºC. When the first shoots appear, you need to transfer the plant to a bright window or illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp. Then, in the phase of 2-3, leaves dive into separate pots.

What Does Aloe Vera Smell Like?

Aloe vera usually gives a smell, which is like that of rotten garlic or onion. The smell comes from sap or aloin and is easy to smell when the plant is cut or oozes. Also, it can be caused by rotten roots or leaves.

a slice of aloe vera What Does Aloe Vera Smell Like
“a slice of aloe vera” via Flickr

How To Care For Aloe Vera To Prevent Bad Smell

1. Lighting

Aloe vera care includes proper lighting. This plant needs the sun, so putting a flowerpot with a perennial on the southern windowsill is advisable. If there is not enough light, the flower will stretch out and become unattractive in appearance.

In the winter months, additional lighting is required. When the sun begins to scorch in the spring, it is better to put the pot in the shade for a while to avoid burns. Some growers cover their aloe vera with gauze or tulle.

In the summer, take the container with aloe vera to the balcony with open windows so that the succulent gets its portion of ultraviolet radiation. Such procedures will allow the succulent to have a thick stem and a fleshy leaf. This means your perennial is less likely to break.

2. Watering

Use filtered, boiled or settled water at room temperature. The roots can begin to rot from the cold, and from ordinary tap water, a white bloom will appear on the soil over time.

Water in moderation. From spring to autumn, let the soil in the pot dry by about a third before the next moistening. 

You can check if the soil is dry using your finger or a wooden stick with a blunt end. Be careful not to damage the roots. Do not water the plant if the soil is not dry enough.

Allow the potting soil to dry completely when kept cool in winter, and at an average room temperature, adhere to the watering schedule you follow the rest of the year.

Pour water from the top into a pot or sump, whichever is more convenient for you. After 15 to 20 minutes, remove the remaining moisture from the pallet.

Spraying and additional humidification of aloe are not needed. To remove dust from the leaves, gently wipe them with a damp cloth or cotton pad. If desired, cover the ground in the pot with a bag and arrange a warm clean up for the plant.

3. Temperature regime

Growing aloe vera at home is supposed to compliance with the temperature regime. This perennial can be kept at room temperature, but it should sometimes be taken out onto a covered balcony during the summer months. The main thing is that precipitation does not fall on the succulent, protected from drafts.

The plant will thrive at temperatures between 18 and 30 °C in warm weather and up to 10 °C in cold weather. In winter, the home perennial rests, so the coolness will not interfere with it. 

The main thing is that the temperature is constant. If it is impossible to find a cool place with exactly such indicators, then maintain the summer temperature with a lamp.

4. Fertilizing

Apply top dressing from spring to early fall every three weeks. This promotes good growth. Use regular succulent fertilizer and add it only to wet soil. 

Do not fertilize for the first month and a half after transplanting. If you plan to use the plant for medicinal purposes, it is better to refrain from feeding at all.


Aloe vera is a plant that has been used as a medicinal and cosmetic agent for many centuries. Many creams, masks and medicines have been made from this plant.

Many houses have aloe vera, but not everyone knows how to look after it. You should know the peculiarities of growing it to ensure better growth. Typically, this article has assisted you in knowing how aloe vera smells.