Peace lilies are grown in the tropics of Southeast America and Asia, which are beautiful with fragrant flowers. They are commonly known as closet plants because they have abundant green leaves, which blossom to beautiful white flowers with time.
Because of their charming appearance, these peace lilies are widely used to decorate indoors of offices and homes. Although they are easy to grow, they require proper plant care, and failure to do that can lead to the development of overwatering symptoms.
What Does an Overwatered Peace Lily Look Like?
The first appearance for overwatered peace lily is leaves drooping that turn pale and yellow over time. If the plant is overwatered continuously for a long time, leaves edema will occur.
The tips of the leaves slowly turn brown, developing water bubbles form, and the plant shows no signs of growth. Likewise, the leaves wither, and the roots become mushy and rotten.
In most cases, the peace lily can be saved by a systematic restoration approach that includes proper watering, repotting, and proper care.
Symptoms of peace lily overwatering
The first symptom for peace lily is usually milder, which can easily escape attention. Try to look for the yellow leaves at the plant’s bottom. Jaundice starts at the leaves’ edges and engulfs them slowly.
If the plant is overwatered for a long time, the leaf edema manifests in the tiny water cysts across the leaves.
Gradually and slowly, the tips of the leaves start to turn brown, and the bacterial- fungal infections cause yellow spots to accumulate on the leaves. You can see the growth of the plant has stunted.
The new leaves don’t pop up, and the old ones start to wilt and then fall off. With time, persistent moisture makes the plant prone to rot in the root. The roots become weak, sticky, blacken, mushy, and smell bad.
Factors Affecting Symptoms of Overwatering Peace Lily
While it appears that overwatering is due to the plant being watered more frequently than necessary, this is not entirely true. Yes, this is the main reason, but other factors can cause the plant to show symptoms of overheating.
1. Pot size
Choosing the right pot size for the plant is essential. If the small plant is planted in a large pot, it will likely take longer for the soil to dry out and lose moisture. Soggy and wet soil is a concern for the peace lily plant.
2. Pot material
Do you know why terracotta pots are recommended? This is because they’re porous and let the water runoff, so the soil does not remain constantly moist. Materials such as ceramics and plastics should be avoided because they’re non-porous and retain water for long.
3. Humidity, temperature, and wind
The water absorption by roots is directly related to the transpiration rate. Transpiration is a term used to describe moisture evaporation from parts of the leaves above the ground.
It has the highest rate during hot seasons when humidity is low. Also, winds increase transpiration because they enhance the evaporation process.
When transpiration happens, the water uptake by the roots will increase, and the soil dries quickly. However, the low evaporation rate prevents root uptake during the colder seasons, and the soil remains primarily moist.
How Can You Save Peace Lily from Overwatering?
1 Repot the plant
There is a risk of infection and rot during this period if you wait for the overwatered plant to improve from gradual water evaporation to damp soil. Time is of the essence, and if you allow the overwatered plant to remain in this moist soil for long, it will be hard to recover.
Therefore, the initial step is to restore and remove the peace lily from the flooded soil and then repot it. Make sure you plant it in well-drained soil.
If the roots of peace lily rot, they should be repotted to a new sterilized pot. If the same container is used again, the infection will likely return. Again, choose the right pot size for the plant.
Please don’t mistake growing it on a tall plant with lots of soil mix, as this will accumulate water. The new packet usually has a moist soil mix. Therefore, you should evade watering the plants immediately after repotting.
2 Water the peace lily only when necessary
Carefully watering the peace lily is the crucial thing for healthy growth. You must maintain the delicate balance between adequate watering and incomplete dehydration.
In this task, it’s best not to depend on misleading signs the plant can develop and use the hand to touch the soil mixture. Dig with two fingers and see if the soil requires watering. When the ground is entirely wet-free, it is a signal for you to water the peace lily.
3. Avoid using fertilizers
The latest thing overwatered peace lily is struggling with is the need to fertilize. Added minerals can be harmful to the plant. It would be best if you did not fertilize them for at least three months after transfer.
It is necessary to resort to fertilizer only when the plant has recovered, the roots have regenerated, and the leaves look healthy. Fertilize the plant for only one month during the planting season.
4. Give peace lily enough exposure to the sun
For healthy development and growth, the plant needs sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis. However, peace lilies are sensitive to strong and direct sunlight.
Typically, it would be helpful to place the pot in the shaded location where the plant receives a lot of indirect sunlight. In addition, direct sunlight is more harmful to recovery and weakened plants. The intense sunlight causes the leaves to be burned and die.
5. Keep peace lily at the ideal temperature
The peace lily is typically grown as a houseplant because it cannot withstand cold temperatures less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If the plant requires fast recovery, put it in a temperature range between 65 and 80 degrees.
6. Maintain adequate moisture
Peace lilies generally thrive in moist tropical habitats. Please keep them in the gardens or indoors because dry and harsh air will keep them from growing.
To avoid this, try to mist the plant now and then during the hot season. Additionally, you can surround the plant with a wet pebbles tray. Water evaporation from the wet pebbles keeps peace lily’s environment moist.
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You will find that overwatering the peace lily is far more dangerous and deadly. You will have to work hard to get it fixed.
With the above information, this plant looks different when it is overwatered. Therefore, it is best to follow the prevention and care tips to adore the beauty of the peace lily in your beautiful home.