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When To Plant Bermuda Grass Seed – Detailed Information

Bermuda grass seed is the most commonly used seed that is grown in golf courses today. It forms a thick mantle and is very resistant to wear. It grows on the soil, which means it requires some care.

Although some see Bermuda grass seed as a threat when it grows it become highly desirable. You can decide if Bermuda grass is a good option for your field.

Bermuda grass seed grows well in warm weather. When planting Bermuda grass seeds, look for ones that are in pods and covered. This means that the natural protective layer has been removed from the seed, which speeds up the germination process. By doing all these, you need to know the right time to plant Bermuda grass seed.

When to plant Bermuda grass seed

When to Plant Bermuda Grass Seed

Bermuda grass seed can be planted in early summer or late spring. You are not supposed to plant it until the soil temperature is 65 to 70 degrees or more and when all frost or frost dangers are gone. If you sow too early, the seeds will either die or not germinate.

During the autumn period, don’t plant 90 days after the first expected frost. Bermuda grass seeds should be planted in a sunny area, preferably in well-drained soil. It does not tolerate shade very well and areas with less than 70% sunlight.

How Can You Plant Bermuda Grass Seed?

1. Choose the right seed

Choose Bermuda grass seed that suits your lifestyle, budget, and location. Think about the type of lawn you want and the growing conditions in your area.

If you are unsure what type of Bermuda grass seed you should grow, check out several seed companies on the Internet to help you find the type of grass that suits your growing conditions.

Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Bermudagrass When to plant Bermuda grass seed
Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Bermudagrass via

2. Choose the location

Fortunately, you can get excellent results by choosing the correct location. This will be effective if you know what is happening on your soil. You can analyze your soil with the local soil testing institutions. The results will tell you what nutrients and amendments to add to the soil to improve it.

You can even do some basic soil tests yourself with a soil testing kit. The ideal soil pH for most types of Bermuda grass seeds is between 6.0 and 7.0. 

If your soil is too acidic (pH below 6.0), add ground limestone to the soil. If your soil is too alkaline (pH over 7.0), add compost, compost manure, or sulfur to the soil. Whatever you add, be sure to follow all product instructions.

3. Prepare the soil

After choosing the location for your future lawn, you need to prepare the soil before sowing. First, use a sharp shovel to remove any existing grass. If it is a large area, rent a turf cutter to get the job done faster. Then take a walk and explore the area. 

Remove large rocks and debris, fill in low spots, and use a tiller if your soil is compacted. Your goal is to break the soil into pea-sized or marble-sized particles that will serve as welcome Bermuda grass seeds.

4. Level the surface

You do not want peaks and valleys in your new Bermuda grass seeds. Use a bow rake to make the surface as flat as possible. As you rake, remove any rocks or debris you come across. 

At this point, you may be tempted to add new topsoil. This is not a good idea as it can contain weed seeds that are difficult to control. Instead, to improve the soil quality, raking several bags that comprise a mixture of composted materials rich to create a superior medium for seed.

5. Planting

Once you have leveled the surface, it is time to plant Bermuda grass seed. If you have a large area, it is best to rent or buy a seed spreader or power seeder to spread seeds evenly across your lawn. 

If you have a small area of ​​lawn, spread the seeds by hand. Use as many seeds as a specialist in a store or garden center advised you to sow. 

It is essential to correctly calculate the number of seeds so that the grass grows evenly. You don’t need to sow too many seeds. 

If you have any extra seed leftover, you don’t need to scatter an extra layer over your lawn. In areas with too many seeds, Bermuda grass will grow thin and weak as the sprouts have to fight for a limited amount of nutrients.

6. Cover up

After placing the grass seeds and lawn food, cover both layers with a thin layer of soil to prevent the grass seeds from drying out and washing out. You can do this by placing a small layer (less than 1/4 inch) of soil on the planted area and gently dragging the back of the rake onto it. 

In the hills, mulch with a thin layer of straw to prevent the seeds from washing away. Just make sure you can see the seed under the straw. You can also mulch the remainder of your new lawn with straw to cut down on water consumption.

7. Watering

When watering a newly planted Bermuda grass seed, the key is to keep the top centimeter of soil constantly moist but not wet. You will be required to fog the targeted area once a day, perhaps more if it is hot and dry outside. 

When the seeds begin to germinate, keep the soil top moist for 2 inches until the new Bermuda grass attains a cutting height of about 3 inches. Then reduce watering to about twice in a week, soaking the soil deeper (about 6 to 8 inches) each time so that the grass roots grow deep in the soil.

8. Fertilizing

Apply a first round of nitrogen-rich fertilizer in mid-April, when Bermuda grass seed is about half green. Use a spreader to apply the fertilizer or spread by hand, depending on the size of the lawn. 

Look for fertilizers with a number between 29 and 31 as the first number to ensure proper nitrogen. Water well after feeding. Give Bermuda grass a second meal six to eight weeks after the first treatment, in mid-June. Use a spreader, if necessary. Water well after feeding.


Bermuda grass seed is a hard and persistent plant, which can be planted in the golf course. It is adaptive to many conditions and you can be grown by simply spreading the seeds on the soil. 

To promote fast and robust growth, the soil must be properly prepared and ready to receive Bermuda grass seeds. The right time to plant them is in late spring or early summer. If you plant them very early, you will be risking the seeds for not germinating.