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When to Plant Lettuce in Georgia – 3 Crucial Factors!

Need help growing a soft plant like lettuce in the hot Georgia climate?

Don’t worry! In this article, you’ll learn how and when to plant lettuce in Georgia for the absolute perfect yield.

Lettuce is incredibly easy to grow and is the perfect vegetable to serve as a starting point for your home garden.

Also, being extremely nutritious, it’s essential to have your supply of fresh lettuce to include in various dishes, whether it be salads, sandwiches or wraps, or soups.

It also takes up little space, so whether you have a patio garden or just a couple of pots on the windowsill, lettuce is the way to go!

Keep reading to find out when to plant lettuce in Georgia.

A lettuce head growing in soil—when to plant lettuce in Georgia
When to plant lettuce in Georgia? – Image via Quaritsch Photography.

When to Plant Lettuce in Georgia?

Lettuce is mainly a fall/spring crop as it does well in between 60–75 degrees weather.

It thrives on the cooler side of the year. Cold up to a light frost is tolerable for the lettuce plant, but extremes of both hot and cold can damage the crop.

The best time to plant your lettuce in Georgia is around late summer or early fall when the temperature drops under 80 degrees.

Another optimum period to plant lettuce is early in the spring when the soil melts out enough to be worked on.

Seeds won’t germinate if the weather gets too hot, so leave them for a month of cooler spring temperatures.

As it only takes around 30 days to mature, you’ll have your crispy greens in your salad bowl in no time! You can also plant successively for an extended yield to last all winter.

Related article: Why Is My Lettuce Growing Tall? | 4 Honest Reasons!

How to Plant Lettuce in Georgia?

Here are some tips for you if you are going to plant lettuce in your garden:

  • Lettuce seed germination is hindered by stone or large clumps of rock due to their small size, so make sure that the soil you use is well-tilled.
  • Loose soil is also great as it provides good drainage.
  • You will also need to add compost or manure to the soil as it supplies essential nutrients for the best growth of your lettuce plant.
  • Additionally, avoid soil with lower pH.
  • Due to the plant’s small size, it’s best not to plant the seeds too deeply. Sowing within half an inch is best, as it also needs sunlight to germinate.
  • Make sure to space the plants evenly, around 4–6 inches from one another. If you’re planting in rows, keep in mind to leave around a foot of space between the rows.
  • Finally, choose a spot that receives plenty of sun during colder seasons. Sunlight is vital for the seed as well as the young plant.
  • If you plan to grow lettuce during summer, be sure to provide shade to the plants to avoid overheating and lower the soil temperature for germination.

That was all about how and when to plant lettuce in Georgia. Now, let’s talk about taking care of lettuce plants.

Taking Care of Lettuce Plants!

Following are some caring tips for your lettuce plants.


Water your lettuce plants often but lightly, as you need to moisten the soil at best.

Avoid over-watering as it can lead to root rot and growth defects. Water your planted seeds frequently for the first two weeks and then regularly every four to five days.

Keep irrigation consistent, as a lack of moisture can cause lettuce to grow bitter.


Protection against insects and diseases is another thing to remember when caring for your crop.

Lettuce plants are susceptible to attacks by aphids and other such pests.

Insect and disease attack prevention can be done by closely watching your plants for early signs of an infestation and applying recommended chemicals.

Also, snails, slugs, and other such animals love to snack on lettuce, so be on the lookout. However, they are not worth worrying much about, as you can remove them by hand-picking or setting up traps and baits.


If you are a young lettuce crop parent, you also have to worry about weeds, as they can outcompete the plant for soil nutrients.

Mulch or a soil cover can be used to stop weed growth, and regular uprooting should be done to ensure your plants aren’t being robbed of their precious food.

Another problem faced by lettuce crops is bolting.


It’s when the plant starts to grow a central woody stalk, and the leaves take on a bitter flavor.

This happens due to warm temperatures and can become an issue in the hot Georgia climate.

To prevent bolting, you can avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight by providing sufficient shade to the plant.

Also, make sure to water plenty during the warmer period of the growing season.

Related article: Why Is My Broccoli Bolting? | 3 Common Reasons & Solutions!

So, you know how and when to plant lettuce in Georgia and how to care for them. Now, it’s time to learn how to harvest them!

Harvesting Lettuce

Harvesting lettuce is an effortless task.

  • There isn’t a universally correct time for harvesting it; instead, it’s more based on your preference.
  • When the leaves have grown up to the size of your liking, you can remove them, although older leaves start to get bitter if not removed in time.
  • Usually, it reaches maturity about a month after planting.
  • Remember that the leaves are at their freshest in the morning, so that is the best time to harvest them.
  • Check your plants every morning for leaves ready to be taken off, as this provides you with the best flavor.

Store lettuce in the refrigerator for up to a week in a plastic bag to retain freshness.

If the leaves seem to be wilting, trim off bits that are too far gone and place them in a bowl of ice water for 15 minutes to revive them, dry them off and use them as you usually would.

How to Grow Lettuce in the HEAT! – YouTube

Top Lettuce Varieties to Grow in Georgia!

Leaf lettuce does well in the Georgia climate and is the easiest to handle.

The red-coloured variety is not recommended as the darker color absorbs more heat.

Romaine lettuce grows in tall, upright bundles, which can be harvested after 45–60 days as whole bundles, or the outer leaves can be trimmed off one by one.

Head lettuce, sadly, does not grow well in the Georgia weather and should be avoided.


So here you go!

Hopefully, now you have all the information in your arsenal about how and when to plant lettuce in Georgia.

Go ahead and plant lettuce in your home garden to include it in all the delicious salads you prepare for yourself and your family to enjoy!

Happy growing!