Looking after plants isn’t always straightforward. We all know the care and dedication you put into nurturing your plants. Therefore, it can be confusing when your plants are not doing well.
When your plants start wilting or dropping, most people think the best option is to water them. However, that’s not always the case. In this article, we’ll provide you with the right answers to ‘why are my plants leaves drooping?’
Although underwatering is one of the reasons why your plant leaves might droop, there are some other reasons. Some of these causes can be made worse by giving more water to your plant.
There are several solutions to drooping plant leaves, but you first have to find out why your plant leaves are drooping. Now that you know what this helpful article covers, let’s take a look.
Why Are My Plants Leaves Drooping
1. Underwatering
The most likely cause of your plant leaves drooping is underwatering. Plants usually need water to grow and also produce food. They typically lose this water through transpiration.
While too much water can cause damage to your plant’s roots, too little water will cause the leaves to droop. When your plant roots can provide water to the xylem, it usually results in drooping leaves.
You can tell if your plant is thirsty by poking a finger into its soil. If the soil is dry and is beginning to crumble, then your plant has been without water for a while. Another sign is when the leaves are dry and have brown edges; this tells you your plant needs hydration.
How to Fix
To fix underwatering in your plant, you have to simply water the plant. You might have to prune off the dry tips of your plants as well. The bounce and lush leaves of the plants should be back to normal in very little time.
Sometimes, you can undo extensive damage caused by the lack of water. To prevent this issue, make sure you have a good watering routine for your plant. Also, don’t let your houseplants get to the point of drooping.
2. Overwatering
Another answer to the question ‘why are my plants’ leaves drooping?’ is overwatering. Drooping and yellowing leaves are some of the signs of an overwatered plant. If you poke your hand into your plant soil and it is drenched, then it could be due to overwatering.
If your plant’s roots are bathing in a pool of water, they are susceptible to root rot and bacteria. Most times, the result of overwatering and underwatering your plants are the same.
How to Fix
To save your plant from drooping and eventual death, you have to get rid of the excess water in the soil. One method to do this is to ensure proper drainage for your plant. Additionally, you should place your plant in a well-lit and warm area.
There’s little you can do when your plant leaves droop because of overwatering. However, there are preventative steps you can take to prevent the extensive damage that comes with it.
In addition to using the correct soil for your plants, ensure that the pot has good drainage. Always make sure the topsoil dries between watering.
3. Temperature Stress
If you’re asking, ‘why are my plant leaves drooping?’ it could be due to temperature stress. Most plants are tropical and thrive in high humidity from 13°C – 32°C. Like humans, hot temperatures make your plant sweat. It leads to a higher water demand that could cause your soil to dry up quickly.
Your plant leaves will droop if you can’t keep up with the new water demand. In addition to dehydration due to temperature stress, direct sunlight can scorch your leaves, turning them brown.
How to Fix
You can take some crucial steps to protect your plants from temperature stress. One of them is moving your plants away from heaters, hot sunrooms, and air vents.
When you move your plants away from the harsh light, you should also water them. Additionally, ensure you adjust your water routine in the hotter summer months to avoid damaging your plants.
4. Transplant Shock
There are times when your plant is simply suffering from transplant shock. If you recently repotted your plant, then you have the answer to your question, ‘why are my plants leaves drooping?’
When you repot a plant, it could take some time to get used to the new pot. This effect is known as transplant shock and could lead to drooping and wilting your plant leaves. This is often unavoidable, but there are ways you could fix it if it happens.
How to Fix
You have to be gentle with your plants during the repotting process; avoid bumping and shaking the root. These effects could be traumatic for the plant, sending it into shock and causing the leaves to droop. Additionally, you need to provide your plant with a generous amount of water.
Give your plants a tidy trim to help them settle into their new home. Finally, it’s been proven that a spoon of grocery store sugar can help your plants’ leaves recover from drooping.
5. Low Humidity
Most houseplants prefer humidity above 60%. Although they can survive in humidity below 50%, they won’t reach their full potential. Most times, these low moisture levels can cause your plant leaves to wilt. It could also lead to several more issues with your plant.
How to Fix
You should group your houseplants on a humidity tray to fix this issue. Take note of the houseplants that need more attention and place them on a tray next to a home humidifier.
Alternatively, you can set your plants in the bathroom and close the windows and doors. Next, run your shower on hot and allow the steam from the water to fill the room.
6. Bugs Infestation
Sometimes, the issue with your plant is bugs infestation. Any sap-sucking insect can be the cause of your plant leaves drooping. When several pests are sucking your plant’s fluid, it will lead to a loss of internal water pressure like underwatering.
Look out for aphids, mealybugs, and scales. These are the common plant pests that could lead to your plant leaves drooping.
Check the underside of leaves for aphids; they’re small, and you can easily miss them. Although they are small, they can cause severe damage to your plant if there are enough of them.
How to Fix
An insecticidal soap of pyrethrin-based repellent should do the trick of clearing them all. Alternatively, you can introduce a population of ladybugs as natural aphid predators.
They often look like scabs on your stem and can be challenging to recognize. If your problem is scales, they’re harder to deal with.
Scale insects look like smooth bumps, but they might have indistinct stripes on their back, which you could use to recognize them. They’re not fast, so you can simply pick them off. Your soap sprays are ineffective with them, so consider using neem oil or rubbing alcohol.
Mealybugs are easy to deal with. They have a fuzzy appearance and are shaped like scale insects. You can use a spray of insecticide soap to get rid of them like aphids. When the bugs are gone, give your plant time to recover. Extra sun and water should help them recover quickly.
Final Thoughts
You’ll never ask ‘why are my plants leaves drooping?’ again once you utilize the steps in this article. Read through to determine the cause of your plant leaves drooping and the right solution.
Plants cannot speak, so they communicate with their experience. However, this article explains how to interpret their signs. With the solutions provided above, you’ll be able to treat any drooping plant leaf in your home.