Roses come in many colors and sizes; some are shrubs, while others are trailing; and while they are all unique, all sorts of roses are lovely. Unfortunately, many circumstances might cause the leaves to turn yellow, but whatever the reason is, it’s inconvenient and detracts from the plant’s inherent attractiveness.
Read on to know “Why Are My Rose Bush Leaves Turning Yellow” and how to maintain your bushes lush and green.

Why Are My Rose Bush Leaves Turning Yellow?
Many reasons cause yellow leaves. For example, rose leaves become yellow and drop off in the winter when they enter a dormant condition. It can also result from too much fertilizer, nutrient-deficient soil, drought stress, saturated soil, insufficient light, or fungal disease.
Typically, if the reason was because of the time of the year, it’s normal. However, in reality, the leaves of some types, such as Rugosa roses, develop a bright yellow color that is quite attractive.
However, if it is any other time of year when they should be a rich, dark green, there is an imbalance that your plant is alerting you to.
Yellow leaves can be caused by a lack of sunshine, which suggests that something is blocking or limiting the plant’s amount of light. For example, roses require at least four hours of direct sunshine every day.
New structures or plants, like when the top leaves shade the lower ones, the rose leaves become yellow and fall off. Even a tree that has grown might obscure the sun and reduce the quantity of light reaching the plant.
Trim back plants obscuring the rose bush when feasible, or transfer the shrub to a location that receives adequate direct sunlight.
Another reason rose leaves become yellow is when the rose shrub is under stress. Heat stress is a common source of stress. In the case of heat stress, the rose shrub turns yellow and sheds its leaves to cool down.
Dark hues absorb and hold heat; therefore, dark soil or dark-colored mulch may slowly release heat. However, extensive exposure to extreme temperatures can harm the plant.
If you believe radiant heat is the problem, use light-colored cedar mulch to cover the shrub’s base. The light-colored mulch will still retain moisture but not absorb light or heat.

Rose shrub leaves can turn yellow if too much or too little water. Therefore, you should water as soon as the top layer of soil is just beginning to dry out. Newly planted rose bushes should be watered at least every couple of days, while mature rose bushes should be watered once or twice a week.
Try to stick to a consistent watering schedule to keep the leaves from becoming yellow. First, feel the soil or use a moisture meter to determine its wetness, then wait until the top layer dries off before watering.
Feeding rose bushes may encourage new growth and gorgeous flowers, but too much of a nutrient can lose the pH imbalance and cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown.
This is called fertilizer burn; water plants before applying fertilizer to avoid the burn. If you believe your rose shrub has fertilizer burn, water it thoroughly immediately away. Water will dilute any fertilizer left in the soil, preventing further harm.
A nutritional shortage might also be the cause of yellowing. Low nitrogen, magnesium, or iron levels may be to cause. Test the soil and choose a fertilizer that compliments the soil while meeting the plant’s demands.
How To Fix Your Rose Bushes Turning Yellow
When leaves turn yellow, little can be done to rescue them. However, pruning or removing damaged leaves allows the plant to redirect its energy into new development rather than sustain damaged growth.
Eliminating the stress-producing yellowing will avoid further harm, so monitor the quantity of light and water the plant receives. In addition, testing the soil and applying fertilizer appropriately may maintain the plant healthily and green.
Before watering, use a moisture meter to assess whether watering is indeed necessary or whether it can be postponed for two or three days. Water your roses both in the early morning and late evening, once the weather has begun to chill. After a hot day, rinse the bushes with excellent, clean water.
Furthermore, cleaning the foliage helps wash away the day’s pollutants, which can cause foliage burn or other issues such as bug infestations.
Set up and keep to a feeding schedule for your rose plants. I prefer to rotate the fertilizer I use on my roses, so the software helps me recall which fertilizer had the greatest results. A well-fed and watered rose is significantly less likely to succumb to various illnesses.
Spend some time in your rose bed or garden checking the foliage for damage or insect infestation (top and bottom of leaves). Early detection of a possible problem contributes significantly to resolving and avoiding the aggravation of dealing with fading rose plant leaves.
1. Should yellow leaves be removed from roses?
Yes, definitely. When you see yellowing leaves on your rose shrub, use pruning shears to remove the diseased leaves and branches as soon as feasible.
Remove every unhealthy, yellowed leaf and branch from the rose shrub at the point where the leaf or branch connects with the next biggest stem or branch.
Place the removed leaves and stems in a rubbish bag. Do not compost these leaves. Instead, clean up any fallen leaves and foliage that are cluttering the ground beneath the rose bush and remove them as well.
2. How often should I water rose bushes?
Water thoroughly every day for three days, then twice a week for two weeks, and once a week after that. After that, water once a month with at least 3 liters per rose during the first winter.
Final Thoughts
Rose bush leaves turning yellow can be frustrating, and if no treatments are given out correctly, it might even affect other plants in your garden. But don’t worry, there’s always a way out.
Hopefully, the preceding post has provided you with all the information you need to solve the problem “Why are my rose bush leaves turning yellow?”. Good luck with your work.