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Why Are My Roses Growing So Tall – 2 Easy Ways to Fix Them!

“Why are my roses growing so tall?”

“I don’t know why they are growing so long and leggy, and I don’t have any idea on how to fix them.”

“Maybe pruning them would help, but what if they don’t bloom ever again!”

Confused? Well… if you are in the same situation, browsing through this article can make your day much more easier.

Why are my roses growing so tall?
“Why are my roses growing so tall?” – Image via Tommy Bachman.

Why Are My Roses Growing So Tall and How Can I Fix Them?

There are two main reasons why your roses are growing so tall:

  • They are not getting enough sunlight.
  • You need to prune them.

Why Roses Grow Tall If They Don’t Get Enough Sunlight?

If you keep your rose plants indoors or in such places where they don’t receive adequate light, they will start growing tall.

This process is called Etiolation.

“Etiolation means the abnormal growth of a plant in which the stems and other parts of the plant grow exceptionally long and leggy.”

This happens if the plant is not receiving enough light.

According to Iowa State University, not only poor light but also excessive watering, excessive use of fertilizers, and high temperatures can cause your gorgeous flowering plants to grow long and leggy.

How to Fix Long and Leggy Roses?

If the problem is related to insufficient light, you’ll need to move your rose plant to a brighter spot. Roses are plants that require 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

You should also take care of proper watering with such an amount of daily light intensity. Potted roses usually require daily watering. Thoroughly water the plant until the water starts to flow out from the drainage holes.

Ensure that no water remains in the pot. That can eventually lead to root rot if the roots are constantly sitting in that pool of water.

Try to use well-aerated and well-draining soil. Raised beds work best for this type of air circulation.

How to Prune Roses?

The second answer to “why are my roses growing so tall?” is…

They need a holy jolly annual pruning.

But when we think about pruning our plants, there are a lot of questions boggling our minds.

Like… “When should I prune them?” or “How much?” or “Will this even work?”

Well, let me help you here.

First, the best time to prune your roses is just at the start of the blooming season. That’s why late winter or early spring is an ideal time to prune roses. Never prune your roses when the blooming season has ended or the frost is just about to break out.

Second, it definitely works. And you can follow these easy-to-follow steps to correctly prune your roses so that they grow in a fantastic shape rather than nasty long and leggy branches meddling in other people’s affairs. 😅

  • Always start off with cutting dead, damaged, or crossing stems. Necrotic stems generally have a greyish black color.
  • Once you find the damaged stems, follow them down to the point where you see some healthy part of the stem.
  • Make a clean cut using a sharp and sterilized tool just at that point.
  • Another great way to prune roses is to prune up to an outward-facing bud. An outward-facing bud is a bud that’s likely to grow in a direction away from the plant’s center. Removing the apical buds will encourage the growth in the lower axillary buds (the outward-facing ones — if present) by a process called the compensatory effect.
  • And that’s it.

Just cut off all the dead stems. In some species, such as Hybrid tea, you can cut off as much as half of your plant. While in some species, like Floribunda, you can pretty much cut off a quarter of your plant.

Excluding these main reasons, the height and development of your roses also depend upon the particular kind of rose you have in your garden.

Pink roses in bloom during day time why are my roses growing so tall
“Pink roses are blooming outside during daytime.” – Image via Nataly Alhimova.

Different Kinds of Roses

Roses are, in fact, woody flowering plant species from the genus Rosa originating from the Rosaceae family.

Rosa Indica, commonly known as cyme rose, is one of the most beautiful climbing roses. While Hybrid tea is one of the most popular rose varieties of all time. Most species are native to middle eastern countries, locally known as “Gulab.”

However, according to the University of Illinois Extension, the different kinds of roses include:

Natural Roses

This type includes all such roses as nature gave them to us. They are not modified, transformed, or say, they are not “hybrids” of any kind.

They tend to thrive at the peak level and are extremely tough and hardy plants.

Nature’s marvel… right?

They grow in early summer and are wildly hybridized into their derived species.

Old Garden Roses

You might be familiar with old garden roses. Grandma’s type… aren’t they? 😁

They are the most respected ones among the cultivated varieties of the Rosaceae family. They initially overcame European gardens. That’s why they are also known as European roses.

Although they are old, they are still pretty cold-hardy.

Modern Roses

And now we have the modern ones. Yes, you guessed it…

We have Valentine’s special one with us now — the Hybrid tea.

They can reach 6 to 8 feet in height and have a single flower at the top of a long stem.

Modern-day roses are the most precious ones on the planet, and the red ones among them have been an icon of love and beauty for a pretty long time.

Shrub Roses

This might sound ridiculous to some of you who are “pro” gardeners in a sense because all roses are basically shrubs.

However, these types are named so because they have shrubby characteristics. The foliage in these types is notably more full and round in shape. They are one of the most wildly used landscape roses.

They are exceptionally resistant to diseases.

And last but not least…

Climbing Roses

I’ve included this type because of the topic that we discussed earlier.

Climbing roses do not actually climb like vines or other climbing species. They are named so because they tend to grow in a vertical direction.

Some tree climbing roses can reach up to 50 feet in height, while some grow horizontally rather than making an upright stature.

Therefore, if you have these types of roses and still, you’re thinking, why are my roses growing so tall? Well… it’s their legacy bro!

Climbing roses tend to grow tall. You shouldn’t worry about them even if they rise up to the ceiling.


With all that said, now you know why your roses are growing so tall and how you can fix them.

Consider sharing this article with your friends and family if you find it helpful. Also, feel free to let us know if you have any problems related to your charming pair of roses.

Let’s conclude the talk here…

Peace ✌🏻.