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Why Are My Rubber Plant Leaves Curling – 4 Likely Causes!

Owning a rubber plant is said to make a hard-core statement about its owner, adding a layer of significance in their environment due to their classy, fine outlook.

Plus, if you’re already in possession of a rubber plant, you’re most likely aware that these plants are easy to care for. This is why it is a household favorite for many homeowners until the leaves of their rubber plants start curling.

If you have been in this situation, especially if you are a beginner, you’re probably asking yourself this right now: Why are my rubber plant leaves curling?

Many causes can lead to your rubber plant leaves getting curly. But to answer this question with flair and give you a short overview of what you can do to revive your plant back to glory, this article is your easiest bet.

Why Are My Rubber Plant Leaves Curling 1
Rubber plant leaves curling inward troubleshooting – via Reddit

Why Are My Rubber Plant Leaves Curling?

They say rubber plants could thrive on the bare minimum. Then why are my Rubber plant leaves curling, you wonder.

The most common reasons that lead your rubber plants leaves to curl are simple, straightforward ones. And they are all mostly related to the basic minimum needs any plant would require to thrive. Here’s a list of top reasons that you can count off right now.


Too much of something is just as bad as too little of it. The same thing goes with water. Now, rubber plants are good at indicating the source of their problem, and water is one of those potential causes.

If the leaves are curling down but in an inward direction, then your plant is most likely being overwatered.

Generally, rubber plants don’t prefer soil that’s too wet. They love water, yes, but pouring too much water into their soil leads the root of your plant to rot, which then causes your leaves to curl and then ultimately leads to the plant withering off.

But keeping it without sufficient water isn’t the solution.

On the contrary, it will also cause your plant’s leaves to curl and cause health problems. This is also indicated by the leaves curling downward, but your plant’s leaves will be dry this time.

Here are a few suggested solutions to overcome this problem:

  • Maintain an adequate balance.
  • Skipping on watering your plant once or twice wouldn’t make much of a difference, but if it’s summer and it’s heating, you should make sure that the soil doesn’t go dry!
  • Add a humidifier around your garden to raise the humidity for your plant.
  • You should also use the kind of soil and container which can drain the excess water out and away from the plant’s system.
  • Make sure that the room temperature is controlled to appropriate levels.


Your rubber plant needs proper light exposure to keep its health and looks at its optimum. Or else, its leaves will then again curl as a response. You may also see your plant growing towards the light. Its branches will start to grow in wayward directions.

You should also be careful that the light source doesn’t hit your plant directly, as then your plant could dry out more quickly.

In order to maintain a good source of light, a sound method is to install artificial lights around your plant.

Why Are My Rubber Plant Leaves Curling 2
Why are some leaves curling on my rubber plant – via Reddit


Rubber plants normally grow in an area where the temperature stays moderate, neither too hot nor too cold. They like to stay in warm, humid areas, and a consistent change in the environment isn’t a good enough place for them to thrive.

It gives them stress—so if you’ve recently relocated your plant to a different place, the leaves of your rubber plant may curl in response to the stress it is facing.

This is temporary, however, and nothing to worry about. But, you would have to ensure that the conditions around your plant don’t deteriorate despite the relocation.

An appropriate temperature to keep them in would be around 55 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, it’s probably best that you don’t keep your rubber plant near the window in winter and outside when it’s summer.


Your rubber plant leaves may also curl when attacked by a pest. This may be rare, but checking your plant every now and then will help you minimize this threat. It will also give you a heads up to identify the pest problem more quickly.

A good solution to tackle this is by giving your rubber plant a warm shower with soap water. You could use neem oil in water to kill the pest on your rubber plant.

If you don’t have a bottle of neem oil available right now, then you can use any other horticultural oil as your aid, but make sure to mix the product in the right quantities. You may find them written down on the back of your product.

Will your Rubber Plant recover?

If your plant is too damaged, it will be difficult for it to cope back.

However, with the right measures, it is possible. But only as long as you are quick to notice the changes in your rubber plant and take immediate action to restore it to its original health.

Yes! Stop asking yourself, “why are my rubber leaves curling?” and do something about it!

The process may be a challenge, but give it time, and soon, you’ll find your rubber plant in its former glory.

>> Related Post: Why Is My Rubber Plant Dropping Leaves? Top 5 Reasons


If you have had this question: why are my rubber plant leaves curling, this article has been useful to you.

Generally, all plants need a sufficient amount of six things to flourish: water, light, temperature, fertilizer, humidity, and their owner’s concern.

You definitely wouldn’t want your plant to wilt as a rubber plant owner. But the good news is they won’t die on you suddenly, and they try their best to survive. So, as their owner, all you have to do is make sure is that they don’t struggle continuously.

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