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Why Are My Sunflowers Drooping & How Should You Fix It?

Sunflowers are one of the most beautiful flowers you can grow in your garden. They are easy to grow and require no special care. But they can start to droop one day and make you wonder, “Why are my sunflowers drooping?”

In this article, we will discuss some common reasons for this problem as well as how to fix it.

Why Are My Sunflowers Drooping
Why Are My Sunflowers Drooping? via Reddit

6 Reasons Why Your Sunflowers Are Drooping

Drooping in sunflowers can occur in both young and older plants, and there are many reasons for that.

Seeds are Maturing

It is a law of nature for this flower. 

When a sunflower has fully bloomed and is pollinated, it will produce seeds. Then, due to the proliferation of seeds, the flowers tend to droop to make it easier for the seeds to fall out. And then those seeds will sprout and produce new flowers.

Sunflower seeds are the favorite food of American Goldfinch birds. They will soon flock to your garden and make pleasant songs. Alternatively, you can roast these seeds or add them to your bird seed mixture.

Sunflowers Seeds Why Are My Sunflowers Drooping
Sunflowers Seeds via

Improper Conditions

Like most flowers, this type of flower also requires specific growing conditions. If you don’t meet their needs, they may not grow properly, leading to dropping. 

This is very likely to happen to young sunflowers if they are not well cared for or do not meet the right growing conditions

Here are some common causes related to improper conditions:

  • Excessive shade 
  • Poor soil conditions 
  • Exposure to excessive frost
  • Weeds grow in the garden

So, make sure your flowers are placed in fertile soil. Furthermore, water them with at least an inch of water weekly.

Diseases and Insect Troubles

Your sunflower becoming drooping can also be a sign of an infestation of some kind. So, check over your sunflowers for insects such as spider mites, caterpillars, or fungus and mold. This most commonly occurs in young sunflowers because mature sunflowers are resistant to fungus or mold.

If you find pests, what you need to do is spray pesticide or insecticide soap on the plants. If the cause is a disease, it is essential to use a fungicide to treat your sunflowers.

For young plants with mold, you need to remove them to prevent the mold from spreading.


Many people think that they can make their flowers better by watering too much.  But, unfortunately, it’s one of the common causes of flower death, especially for sunflowers, which hate wet feet.

Regular watering of sunflowers is essential. However, providing them with excess water each day is the fastest way to kill them because they do not tolerate excess water and are very susceptible to root rot.

We recommend watering your sunflowers regularly throughout the growing season. Also, you should only water them when the top two inches of soil are dry. Finally, water regularly if your flowering plants are potted as they are very susceptible to drying out.

Visitor to my drooping sunflowers Why Are My Sunflowers Drooping
“Visitor to my drooping sunflowers” via Reddit


As their name suggests, sunlight is the essential factor for sunflowers. They need sunlight every day. 

Therefore, if you grow them indoors, you must use strong lights to replace natural sunlight. But honestly, this is hard to do.

On the other hand, too much of a good thing is harmful. So, too much sunlight can also adversely affect your flowers.

Excessive Heat

It is true to say that this flower loves the sun. However, they only survive well at the right temperature. Although sunflowers grow even when the temperature rises to 30°C, they will wilt after that.

The best thing is to prevent your flowers from scorching sunlight with a green shade net or something similar. In addition, it is possible to use fans or air conditioners to reduce the heat indoors.

How To Save Drooping Sunflowers?

To save your drooping sunflowers, it is essential to identify the problem affecting them. Start by checking the undersides of leaves for pests. 

Look out for pests that can damage your plants, including mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, thrips, and so on. If you find them, kill them with pesticide or insecticide soap.

These flowers can begin to wilt without sunlight. In this case, you will need to move them outside if growing indoors. 

If your flowers are constantly drooping, it could be due to a lack of water or overwatering. The cause may also be excessive heat too. Basically, you only need to water them when the soil is completely dry.

If the cause lies in an imbalance in nutrients, utilize a fertilizer including both macro and micronutrients.

Last but not least, If you live in a place that is too cold, it is best to grow your plants indoors to protect them. Sunflowers usually do not survive frost.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Often Should You Water Sunflowers?

You will need to follow different schedules depending on the growth stage of the flower. 

Once the seeds germinate, it is essential to water them daily. The reason is that young sunflower plants need more water than mature plants.

For mature plants, you only need to water twice a week If your sunflowers are in the ground or 3 times a week if they are potted.

Always remember not to over-water them. Over-watering at any stage will kill sunflowers faster than you think.

2. Do Sunflowers Need Protection In The Winter?

Sunflowers hate cold weather. So you can bring them indoors when it gets cold. Alternatively, it is possible to mulch the soil to insulate the roots and use dry leaves to cover the soil.

>> Related Post: Do Deer Eat Sunflowers – Detailed Information

Wrap Up

Hopefully, by now, you should have the answer to “Why are my sunflowers drooping?”

Sunflowers are a lovely, rewarding, and easygoing crop to grow. So, if you want something easy to grow, nothing can beat this flower.

You will get beautiful flowers to make your garden more charming with just a little effort. You’ll also get large amounts of delicious seeds that you can eat, use as bird food, or turn into oil.