Are you a plant lover? Or have you recently started growing plants as a hobby? No matter which, you might’ve found yourself asking the question ‘why are the leaves on my plant curling?’.
Many people prefer plants over having pets, but when they see these same plants in an unhealthy state, it can be just as hard as watching your pet get sick.
If you too are wondering ‘why are the leaves on my plant curling?’, then read on as we will be giving you the best possible causes and solutions for your question.
Reasons Behind ‘Why Are The Leaves On My Plant Curling?’
Are the edges of your plant’s leaves curling in on themselves at the margins? This curling can be in both inwards and upwards directions and can be happening for various reasons, which include:
One reason for ‘why are the leaves on my plant curling?’ could be pests that are eating away at your plant. Insects like aphids thrips and whiteflies are quite dangerous for your plant as they attach themself to the backside of your plant where they suck on the moisture.
An accurate routine for watering is very important for plants. Giving plants more water than they require can cause root rot. If your plant has started to look yellow with soggy roots, then you need to immediately start keeping a check on your watering routine.
Too Much Light
Too much exposure to light can also be a reason for the leaves curling upwards on your plant and turning brown. Many plants prefer indirect sunlight while others prefer direct sunlight. If leaves have started to turn upwards and the new leaves that grow are small, this is most likely due to excessive light.
Most plants love the heat, just like us. Almost everything is good in moderation, so is heat. Too high temperatures can cause the water to evaporate, making the plants curl in on themselves to reduce this loss and conserve water.
Nitrogen Deficiency
Nitrogen is a very important component in chlorophyll which converts sunlight to useful products for the plants. The unhealthy state of the leaves could be because of a lack of nitrogen.
In this case, the plant will start conserving nitrogen and divert nitrogen to the newer leaves and so the older leaves will start to curl up.
Herbicides can cause chemical damage to your plant. Not only do they produce harmful substances, but they also interfere in the vital processes occurring in the plant, like photosynthesis, which can be very dangerous.
Viral Infection
Another cause for ‘why are the leaves on my plant curling?’ can be a viral infection. The leaf curl is most probably one of the many symptoms of the infection that the plant might’ve fallen victim to.
Solutions And Prevention For Leaf Curling
Here are some of the ways through which you can prevent or solve the above-mentioned reasons and keep your plant safe and healthy.
Using insecticides and pesticides will kill off the insects and pests that have been leeching on your plant. For larger infestations, removing the leaves that fell victim to the pests is the best solution.
To prevent any pests from infecting your plant, you can use sticky bug traps or a dynatrap. If you see any pests on these traps, then it is time to spray some insecticide on your plant.
Watering Routine
It is always better to add less water at a time than to add too much cause you can easily add more water but removing water from the soil is not easily possible.
Water your plant according to what its daily or weekly requirements are, preferably using a watering can with a longer spout to have better control over the amount of water you add. Using a pot with holes is also recommended as it’ll drain any excess water.
If you see the leaves curling upwards, then remove your plant and check its roots for root rot. If the roots are mushy and soggy, then remove them.
Light Care
You should make sure from accurate sources if your plant needs direct or indirect sunlight. If they need indirect sunlight, keep them away from your window or throw a sheer curtain on your windows so the sun does not scorch the plant.
Temperature Care
To manage the temperature of your plant better, you need to be aware of the temperatures it thrives best on and make sure that you provide it with these conditions. If your plant has already been affected by this, you can relocate it to a cooler area or provide adequate airflow through a fan or an open window.
Providing Nitrogen
If your plant is near its blooming period, then a high nitrogen formula in an easy to absorb manner should be the way to go. To prevent your plants from facing this deficiency in the first place, give them amino acid supplements regularly.
Herbicide Damage
Unfortunately, most of the damage done by herbicide is irreversible and chances of recovery are low. But removing the damaged area and making sure to only apply herbicide on weeds and not the plant itself is important.
If the damage is too high for you to remove specific areas, giving a high dose of fertilizer to your plant might help.
Viral Infection Treatment
If your plant has fallen victim to a viral infection, it is incurable and there are little to no chances of recovery. You should dispose of the plant in a way that no other plants might get affected by it too. If the infection is only seen at a specific part of the plant, try removing that part and disposing it.
You need to give your plant a lot of time and care to ensure that it stays healthy and safe and so making these prevention methods a part of your routine from early on can be of great help.
Try to provide the plant with the natural habitat and conditions that are best for it and research the proper care methods for your plant.