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Why Have My Petunias Stopped Flowering? 7 Reasons For Them Doing So

One of the biggest pros of planting wave petunias is the blooms they offer. The plant has a gorgeous flower which is a treat to look at. However, it is heartbreaking to see the plant not blooming once you expect it to bloom and have put in the required effort.

If you’re asking yourself the question of why have my petunias stopped flowering, the answer to that is in this article. So keep on reading below to know more about the plant and what causes it to bloom and the things you need to look out for to ensure that the plant produces flowers.

So without further ado, let’s get right to it!

Why Have My Petunias Stopped Flowering 1
Why are my petunia from seeds not flowering – via Reddit

Why Have My Petunias Stopped Flowering?

Wave petunias require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, mild temperatures, well-drained soil, appropriate fertilizer, and occasional trimming to thrive.

Growers in Pennsylvania start planting wave petunias in late April or early May to ensure a long and fruitful growing season.

Although wave petunias can withstand a few cool nights in early April, be cautious if you’re planning to plant it outside spring. This will seriously hinder the growth of the plant and will have an impact on the flowering as well.

Let’s look at some of the most prevalent reasons why your wave petunias have stopped flowering.

1. Keeping Your Petunias Blooming

It all boils down to the health of your plants. A wave petunia that is properly cared for will be able to reach its maximum potential. This means blooms, and a lot of them.

It’s also true in the other direction. If your wave petunia plant didn’t get off to the best start or didn’t get the care it needed early on, it may require some extra attention to get back on track.

Nonetheless, by concentrating on some of the locations listed below, your wave petunias may be able to recover.

2. They Aren’t Getting Enough Sun

Petunias, in general, and wave petunias in particular, adore the sun. Therefore, they’ll need at least 6 hours of sunlight in one day, with a full day of sun being ideal.

If you planted your wave petunias in a gloomy spot and they aren’t blooming as much as you’d like, it’s most likely due to a lack of sunlight. Wave petunias, unlike other plants like begonias, do not offer the benefit of giving color to a shaded place on your home.

Wave petunias are frequently used as a hanging basket plant. It’s one of the most commonly used varieties of plants for hanging plant arrangements. If you’re growing them in a hanging basket or pot, simply relocate the container to a location where it will receive more sunlight.

Receiving sunlight is integral for the plant as it boosts a lot of the activities which are happening inside the plant. If the plant isn’t getting enough sun, it will have to conserve its energy for its own growth and will not be able to focus on the growth of its flowers.

Because of this, sunlight is an important factor to consider.

3. They’re Not Getting Adequate Amounts of Water

If you’re still asking yourself the question of why have my petunias stopped flowering, it is probably the watering routine.

If your wave petunias are exposed to too much sun and not enough water, the plants may not bloom as much.

Water and sunlight are two of a plant’s most fundamental requirements, so you have to ensure that the plant is adequately watered.

One effective way to do this is to check the top one inch of the soil for moisture. It’s probably OK if the surface soil is at least a little damp.

If you’re growing wave petunias in a hanging basket, pull it from underneath to get a sense of how much water it needs. If it’s well-watered, it should feel heavy, and if it needs water, it should feel light.

If you overwater your wave petunias, you risk root rot and other diseases, so make sure you water them just enough, but not too much. Your wave petunias will blossom profusely as a result of this.

4. You Are Not Fertilizing The Soil

When watering, be careful to use a water-soluble fertilizer if needed. Wave petunias, like other plants, require nutrients, therefore it’s critical to keep them nourished.

Use any fertilizers as directed and keep in mind the season you’re planting in. For example, during the summer, when you may be watering every day, you may only need to water once or twice a week, but this interval will likely change in the spring and fall.

When it comes to fertilizing, wave petunias aren’t as forgiving as Supertunias; if their vines start turning yellow, you know they need extra nutrition.

5. You Aren’t Giving Them Enough Space

Wave petunias are spreading plants, so make sure you give them plenty of room! Because their vines may grow up to 4 feet long, it’s best to space them at least a foot apart.

Wave petunias placed in a flower pot or hanging basket with restricted root space may not be able to grow to their full potential, resulting in fewer flowers.

6. You Aren’t Trimming Them Properly

Finally, cutting back your wave petunias encourages the development of new blooms. Cutting back your plant when you want it to grow more may seem counterintuitive, but it is often necessary when dealing with a straggly plant.

7. You Might Need To Treat It For Budworms

Budworms are a sort of insect pest that attacks a variety of garden plants, including petunias.

If your wave petunia is being attacked by budworms, you’ll see holes in the blossoms. If you live in Pennsylvania, you may have observed that these are more prevalent in the late summer.

There are a variety of techniques to cure budworms, but we’ve found that Thurocide is excellent for killing budworms and restoring blooms.

>> Related Post: Why Are My Petunias Sticky? (5 Main Reasons & Solutions)


If you were looking for the answer to the question: Why have my petunias stopped blooming? I hope you got your answer from the article.

Handle your plants with care and give them utmost attention. Happy gardening!