The asparagus fern is an incredible plant in the family of lilies. It can be frustrating when you start noticing that your asparagus fern is turning yellow, and you are unaware of what might be causing it.
But why is my Asparagus fern turning yellow? Well, in this article, we explain what causes yellowing in your asparagus fern and assist you in diagnosing and fix the yellowing problems associated with this plant.
Why is My Asparagus Fern Turning Yellow?
1. Excessive light
Lighting is essential when caring for indoor plants, and Asparagus Ferns are not different. If your Fern gets excess bright light, you’ll notice yellow spots on all the leaves.
It results from excess sunlight that burns the leaves. Asparagus Ferns have leaves that are sensitive to sunlight, so they are affected by sunburn than the other houseplants.
You should move the Asparagus Fern to a slightly more shaded location. If it doesn’t heal, keep moving it until you find the best place.
Using a light meter can help you determine the best position you can place the Asparagus plant indoors. With a lot of care, you can trim the brown leaves and burnt yellow so that Asparagus can concentrate all its energy on new growth.
2. Overwatering
If the leaves of your Asparagus Fern are yellow, you may be overwatering your plant. Another thing that you should check for when it comes to excess watering is whether the yellowing leaves are beginning to fall off the plant.
Excess watering is one of the main killers of Asparagus fern because it is not always possible to know until it is too late.
Asparagus Ferns do not stay in water for too long as it can cause the rotting of roots, which means the plant is now unstable and can’t receive the necessary nutrients from the root system.
Water-soaked soil with water has a very damp and stale odor, so ensure you look at it now and then, as this can start before your Fern develops showy yellow leaves.
Check the soil moisture and change your watering scheme accordingly to determine whether the yellow Asparagus leaves may result from excess watering. The most convenient means to tell if your Asparagus Fern needs water is to use a moisture meter.
We also advise repotting the soil immediately (instead of waiting for it to dry out naturally) so the roots can recover.
Always use good quality potting soil to ensure your Ferns have the correct nutritional balance. Trim dead yellow leaves and rotten roots so the Asparagus can focus on reviving healthy growth.
3. Drainage problems
Occasionally, your watering scheme might not be the cause of yellowing leaves in your Asparagus Fern, but the poor drainage of the pot and soil. Increasing the drainage amount in your Asparagus Fern pot is very easy as you only need to mix small amounts of perlite.
Perlite makes the flowing of water out and through the drainage holes of your pot easy (pay attention to the drain holes in the pots as well).
Another simple step is to place some small rocks or stones at the bottom of the pots to ensure the drain holes never get clogged with dirt or debris.
Although terracotta or clay containers are generally more costly and easy to break, their benefits go far beyond aesthetics.
Clay is porous, so some of the groundwater can evaporate on the walls of the pot. It is not the case with most plastic containers, which, on the contrary, store all the moisture.
4. Underwatering
If the leaves of the Asparagus Fern are dry, crispy, and yellow (beginning from the tips, moving through the other parts of the plant), it might be you haven’t given it sufficient water for some time. Asparagus
Ferns need little but often watering to ensure your soil is moist but not soaked with water. Consistent under-watering of your Ferns can result in yellow leaves.
It is crucial to look at the soil moisture to know when the asparagus fern is ready for watering. There are two very simple ways to ensure it needs water.
Find out the moisture of the topsoil if it is still damp. Wait for a few days before you water the Fern again. Also, you can carefully lift the Asparagus to find out the plant’s weight after and before watering.
We advise that you hold the pot instead of the plant to avoid damaging the delicate leaves. Now you will be able to measure the heaviness of the soil and when it needs watering.
If you get to know that your Asparagus fern is too dry, pour some water on it each day in one week. Your first thought may be to give plenty of water right away, but it can be bad for the Fern if the ground goes to that extreme.
Yes, plants can also be affected by the quick change in their surroundings. Instead, you’ll want to water it repeatedly for a couple of weeks, and that should fix the problem. Trim the dry yellow leaves,and when you fix the issue, the new growth should be green and healthy.
5. Insufficient nutrients
Another reason for the yellowing of asparagus leaves is the lack of enough nutrients. Over time, your soil may lack sufficient nutrients, or the water has washed away all the necessary nutrients. Yellow leaves are occasionally a sign of nitrogen deficiency.
There are two ways to increase the nutritional content of asparagus ferns. First, remove all the old soil from the pot and replace it with houseplant potting soil rich in nutrients.
Also, make sure there is good drainage to prevent waterlogging. Alternatively, treat your Asparagus fern with a balanced houseplant fertilizer at half the concentration.
6. Low temperatures
Asparagus Fern requires slightly warm temperatures, and so they can have problems in cold homes. Over time, cold air affects the health of the Asparagus and can cause the leaves to turn yellow.
Ensure your ferns are away from openings, windows, or closed doors, as cooler air can affect your plants.
You can always carry a digital thermometer with you to look at the temperature of your asparagus fern spot and see if you need to move it to a warmer or colder spot.
With delicately fluffy leaves spread out in thick plumes, Asparagus is a beautiful and exciting houseplant whose popularity is constantly increasing. Generally, asparagus ferns are trouble-free, but like other plants, they do have some issues.
If the leaves of your Asparagus turn yellow, the guide above will assist you in understanding why this is happening and help you fix your plant.