Creeping fig has several names, including Ficus pumila, climbing fig, fig ivy, and more.
Whatever name you use for these vines, creeping figs make for stunning indoor and outdoor plants. Since they grow too tall, creeping figs are mostly grown indoors against empty walls and other spaces for interior décor.
With their beautiful, lush foliage, creeping figs are a stunning sight.
However, sometimes the plant may not turn out to be as healthy as you had expected.
You may notice that the fig ivy is turning yellow, shrinking, and dying. The crippling situation of the plant can leave you wondering, why is my creeping fig dying?
There could be several different reasons for the poor condition of the creeping fig, and mostly, you can take some easy steps to rectify them. But first, you must understand all the reasons behind the problem.
Keep reading as we explore more details and answer your question.
Why Is My Creeping Fig Dying?
So, you took some steps to adorn your corner wall with a hanging basket of creeping fig, and you have tried to keep up with all the requirements that this glossy foliage requires, but to your dismay, you failed to do so.
Now there is only one question boggling with your mind: why is my creeping fig dying?
While there could be several different reasons for the death of your plant, the most common ones include improper watering, wrong soil, low humidity, and temperature issues.
This plant will give you the most beautiful growth of leaves, but you must ensure that all the prerequisites are correctly fulfilled. Moreover, you should take immediate steps to solve the issues the plant is facing to save the foliage, or you can lose the creeping figs.
Let’s go ahead and find out all the causes behind the burning query.
1. Overwatering
One of the main issues that could be causing your creeping figs to start dying is overwatering.
It is simply the addition of excess water to the soil. When you add more water to the soil, the excess moisture will stay floating and cause waterlogged soil. Waterlogging can block the flow of oxygen to the roots.
With no oxygen and nutrients reaching the plant, your creeping fig will start to die.
- Overwatering can occur if the soil is not well-draining.
- You should also examine the draining holes of the pot in which you keep the plant to see if the excess water is leaking out.
- If your creeping fig has been in the same pot and soil for a long time, the pot’s holes can end up blocked.
- Moreover, overwatering could also be due to you adding more water than necessary.
Some common signs of overwatering include the shriveling of leaves and the foliage turning yellow and droopy.
This situation can easily be countered by setting a schedule and decreasing the overall moisture quantity for the plant.
- If the soil is waterlogged, you may have to change it.
- Slowly take out the plant, let it dry in the air, and put it in a new pot with fresh soil.
- Always check the soil before watering to ensure the soil is dry from the top few inches of the ground.
That will prevent the issue of overwatering.
2. Underwatering
Not giving your creeping fig enough water can be another reason why your plant is dying.
Underwatering is easy to spot, and it is easy to treat if the plants haven’t been damaged beyond repair.
The leaves will turn yellow and crisp if the plants do not receive enough water. There may be curling at the tips as well.
When you notice these signs, add more water to the plant.
Add water every 2–3 days, or you can check the soil moisture by sticking your finger in the soil to see if more water is needed.
3. Temperature
The creeping fig thrives in a tropical environment with high temperatures and moisture levels. It grows well in a warm spring season with lots of rain throughout the year.
The ideal temperature for the creeping fig is between 60 to 85 degrees. Make sure to protect your plant from too much heat or excessive cold.
Grow them indoors or bring the pots inside when the temperature becomes colder and there is an indication of an upcoming frost. When growing plants indoors, you must select a suitable place to keep them. Avoid placing them near the vents of air conditioning or heating systems.
You can put them near a window where they receive bright sunlight to compensate for the colder temperature in the winter.
One hack to preserve the plant’s temperature is to let the creeping fig grow a dense bunch of leaves. The thick leaves will provide coverage from cold temperatures. You can cut back the leaves in the growing season to promote growth but leave the foliage on in low temperatures.
4. Low Humidity
Low humidity and a dry environment can be other reasons why your creeping fig is dying.
These plants thrive in a moist, tropical environment with a lot of rainfall. So, if you live in a dry climate, you must do something about it.
In arid locations, you must water the plants more often to keep them moistened. Add water at least 2–3 times a week, and go for deep watering sessions.
Keep a spray bottle handy and sprinkle the leaves with water once a day.
You can also use a humidifier if the indoor environment is too dry. A humidifier machine will ensure enough moisture in the air around your creeping fig and help it to grow well.
You can also place the creeping fig with other tropical plants to create a humid environment.
These were all the answers to why is my creeping fig dying!
Why is my creeping fig dying, you asked? I hope this answers your question.
There are several reasons for the bad condition of your creeping fig.
You could be watering the plant inadequately, not providing the suitable temperature condition, there could be low humidity, the amount of light is not enough, and other related reasons.
Fortunately, all these causes can be effortlessly resolved.
You need to be careful about the location of the plant and the number of prerequisites you provide to it.
Be vigilant with the requirements, and soon you will have a glowing plant with striking foliage.
Happy planting.