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Why Is My Rhubarb Flowering – Everything You Need to Know!

You might have just seen your Rhubarb plant flowering in your garden.

That can cause you to wonder, why is my Rhubarb flowering? But there is no need to worry because it’s not always something to be concerned about.

You might have thought of a Rhubarb patch with pie, but it is flowering. And yes, Rhubarb does flower. There’s nothing wrong with the plant; it is to make seeds.

Also, they make terrible pie.

Is it a good idea to remove the Rhubarb flowers? Do Rhubarb flowers have benefits? When does Rhubarb flower? Well, the list of questions can go on and on.

But let us tell you one thing: you have come to the right place to remove all your doubts regarding your flowering Rhubarb.

Continue reading to know more!

Why Is My Rhubarb Flowering
Rhubarb Flower – via Wikimedia

Why Is My Rhubarb Flowering?

The majority of plants, including Rhubarb, naturally generate flowers. Typically, Rhubarb flowers bloom in the spring.

According to Iowa State University Extension:

“Rhubarb plants make flowers naturally. However, other factors, such as infertile soils, intense heat, and drought, also cause flowering in Rhubarb plants.”

Young Rhubarb plants rarely flower, while mature plants that are three years old or older are the ones that usually do.

However, different varieties of Rhubarbs have varying rates of flowering. Some have a higher chance of blooming than others. While other types, such as Canada Red and Valentine, are less likely to bolt, old species like Victoria and MacDonald consistently produce seed pods.

Current cultivars and others blossom less frequently.

Rhubarb can bolt when it gets too hot. Rhubarb thrives in chilly climates; therefore, if spring is hot, the Rhubarb might flower.

Make sure your Rhubarb plant receives enough water. The damage to leaves from insects or animals or a lack of nutrients can also make them bolt because of stressors.

When it blooms, it is either bolting or going to seed. Whatever the cause, the plant has chosen to multiply itself by producing a bloom that will produce seed. It is going to grow seeds if you let it grow continuously.

If the flower is allowed to set seed, the plant will focus its energy on producing seeds, which will hinder the growth of leaf stalks.

That was all about why is my Rhubarb flowering. Now, let’s take a look at some essential queries related to this topic.

What to Do with Rhubarb Flowers?

The answer to the above question depends on whether you want to collect the seed for the next planting or other purposes.

  • If yes, then let it bloom and collect the seeds.
  • If there is no need for seeds, cut the flower stem as close to the root of the plant as you can with garden shears, then throw it away.

It would be best to prevent the plants from growing seeds to maintain and guarantee the highest quality and most significant output from your Rhubarb patch.

Trim the blooming stalk or stalks to the crown. You might need to push a couple of big leaves aside to reach the crown.

If you do not remove the flower stalk as soon as possible, it can start to rot and serve as a haven for slugs and other insects, which could harm your Rhubarb plant.

Is It Necessary to Remove Rhubarb Flowers?

The blossoms on Rhubarb are so lovely that it almost seems wrong to chop them off. Do you also feel the same? They won’t truly cause harm to the plant. They won’t change the Rhubarb’s flavor, either.

The simple explanation is that creating flowers and seeds consumes much of a plant’s energy, which is then shifted from growing edible stalks.

Allowing a Rhubarb plant to grow to seed will result in less harvest than it otherwise would. So, it’s better to remove the flower from your Rhubarb plant.

However, the final decision is yours.

Watch this video to learn more about Rhubarb flower removal:

Why Is My Rhubarb Flowering? | Removing Flowers from Rhubarb Plants – And Why You Want To!

How to Prevent Rhubarb From Bolting?

Dividing elder plants is one of the great ways to prevent Rhubarb from going to seed.

  • Each new segment of the mature plant can be renewed by dividing it into “new” plants.
  • It’s a good sign that your Rhubarb patch is ready to be divided if it is five years old or older and has started to bloom.
  • Spring is a fantastic time to divide your Rhubarb patch.
  • However, consider postponing crown division until the fall if you haven’t yet finished harvesting.
  • Another way to prevent bolting Rhubarb flowers is good cultural practices.
  • It helps your Rhubarb plant prevent the production of flowers.
  • In dry conditions, water Rhubarb plants every seven to ten days.
  • Early in the spring, surround each plant with a half-cup of all-purpose garden fertilizer.
  • Use mulching, hand pulling, or shallow hoeing to eliminate weeds.

That way, you’ll be able to prevent bolting in Rhubarb.

Related article: Why is my Rhubarb so small?

Rhubarb Flowering Decoration

Keep it as a decoration in your home if you’ve already considered letting a flower grow in your Rhubarb plant or if it has already developed into a lovely flower that you lack the courage to cut.

Good decoration is one of the Rhubarb flowers’ benefits.

While most people throw away Rhubarb stalks that have gone to seed, you can admire them for their beautiful bloom.

They are a particularly stunning component of the plant. Arrange the cut stems with a few tiny leaves in a heavy-bottomed vase for a spectacular floral display.

What Happens If My Rhubarb Never Blooms?

Maybe you’re just curious and have come here.

Or perhaps your neighbor commented that their Rhubarb had flowered, which made you question, “Why is my Rhubarb not flowering?”.

You might wonder if there is a problem with yours. But don’t worry; your Rhubarb is probably doing perfectly fine.

Rhubarb plants rarely blossom until they are older and more mature.

It is rare; your Rhubarb will flower if it is less than three or four years old. Additionally, the plant species also matters since, as was already discussed, some are more likely to bolt than others.

With that said, let’s conclude the talk.


Why is my Rhubarb flowering, you asked? As you have come along so far, I hope you no longer have to wonder about that.

And if you’ve never noticed a flowering Rhubarb stalk in your Rhubarb patch, you can count yourself lucky. That’s one less springtime duty to complete.

Do not worry; Rhubarb flower removal is also not hard once you notice it.

If you are sure to cut the blooms off the Rhubarb, then don’t push it for the next day, as it spends its energy growing into a seed rather than a plant.

I hope you learned something valuable from this article.

Enjoy gardening!