Are you a beginner at growing plants, having recently taken the hobby? Or are you just a worried plant parent looking for some answers for why is my succulent dying? If so, then read on.
Many people pick succulents over other plants because they are known for being easy plants to grow and take care of. But many forget that they still do require care to grow and thrive while remaining healthy.
The perplexities of growing plants carry on to succulents as well. A grower should always remember that while caring for and growing succulents.
If seeing your precious succulent has you searching why is my succulent dying? then you are at the right place cause we’ll be giving you the reasons why is my succulent dying? and the ways to prevent it.

Why Is My Succulent Dying?
Here are some of the factors that can result in your precious succulent’s death.
Ensuring that your succulent is receiving the required amount of sunlight every day is a vital component of caring for it. Succulents can survive in the dark for around 10-14 days but keeping them away from the sun for such long periods can be very unhealthy.
A succulent that is sun-starved will start looking stretched out and tall while it will try reaching towards the nearest light source which will give it a crooked appearance.
A succulent will also get negatively affected by too much sunlight. Succulents’ stems, leaves, and roots are full of water, and too much sun can burn them quite easily. The leaves thin out and discolor, not letting the plant grow properly.
This can prove to be more fatal for your succulent than you could’ve imagined. Overwatering can cause root rot which is just as deadly as it sounds.
It can cause the leaves to start falling off and can even end in complete loss of the plant. The symptoms for this are mushy and soggy roots and regular leaf loss.
Just like overwatering, underwatering is also dangerous for your plants that can cause stunted growth and dehydration resulting in the plant dying.
Have you fallen to the cute trend of growing succulents and plants in little teacups to put on your nightstand or coffee table, just like thousands of others all over Instagram?
Well, then this might be the exact reason why you’re losing your succulent. Such small pots don’t give the succulents enough space to develop roots and grow.
Just like you, your succulent is also very sensitive to extreme temperatures, which is a very natural survival instinct. Too high temperatures will burn the plant making it look wilted while it will also start losing leaves.
Freezing temperatures, however, are the most lethal for succulents as the cells in the plant start freezing and so most processes occurring within the plant cease, and slowly the whole plant freezes, eventually ending in its death.
A succulent needs all the important nutrients to stay healthy. These nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and a lack of these can be dangerous for the plant.
If none of these seems to be the reason for the suffering of your succulent then it might just be because of some critters that are leeching off your succulent. These can be fungus gnats, spider mites, mealybugs, etc.

Preventions And Solutions For A Dying Succulent
Here is how you can prevent or revive your plant if it’s showing any of the symptoms described above.
Light Care
Ensuring that your succulent receives around 6 hours of sunlight is the key to keeping it healthy. But newly planted succulents can scorch under direct sunlight so keeping them near a window with a sheer curtain is the best route to take.
If your plant is already suffering from low light exposure then change its location and slowly acclimate it to the sun by taking it out for small intervals of time and increasing the time little by little, daily.
To treat a sunburnt succulent place it in a shadowy area for 3 to 7 days and keep watering it, ensuring that the soil is never dry for too long. The white marks will start to fade away over time but the brown marks will have to be grown out.
Watering Routine
You should only water the plant when the soil turns dry to the touch. Using a watering can with a longer and thinner spout can help in watering the plant more precisely.
If your plant is showing the symptoms of being underwatered, immerse the soil in water for 10 minutes to moisten up fully and then drain it. To treat an overwatered plant, make sure that you don’t water it more than once a week and empty the saucer and tray regularly.
Using the right planter can be very important for your succulent, a planter that gives it enough space to grow and develop its roots.
The planter should have holes at the bottom so that the soil can drain out any excess water. Opting for a planter that keeps your succulents healthy is more important than cuter ones that are harmful to them.
Ideal Temperature
The ideal temperature for succulents to grow in is around 40-80°F. If your plant has been in too high temperatures then place it in cooler areas or throw a shade over it. However, the damage done by freezing temperatures is irreparable and the chances of recovery are little to none.
Providing your succulent the needed nutrients is the responsibility of every grower. Fertilizers that are high on nitrogen are most recommended.
Spray plant food is a highly convenient option for all the growers on a tight routine. Epsom salt is also recommended as it fulfills functions of magnesium and sulfur and also helps absorb nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
Using pesticides to rid of any pests and critters on your succulent is very important. Use sticky bug traps or dynatraps to prevent any pests to infest your plant.
Keeping the succulents alive, healthy and beautiful is the main goal of all growers. By taking these preventive steps or solving the problems according to your succulents’ symptoms, you can easily keep it from dying and yourself from wondering ‘why is my succulent dying?’ ever again.