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Why Is Sevin Prohibited On Lawns? – Everything You Need to Know

Why is Sevin prohibited on lawns? Well, think about spring. Doesn’t it conjure up images of you or your children running barefoot through the grass on your lawn?

With that in mind, who wants their children (or themselves) to roll around or run barefoot in poison? I agree we need to keep nurturing our lawns if we want them to become lush and verdant each spring.

However, we also need to try our best and add boosts of nutrients without going for chemicals that harm the environment, our pets, or our loved ones.

Sevin 100519576 Ready to Use Bug Killer Why Is Sevin Prohibited On Lawns
Sevin 100519576 Ready to Use Bug Killer – via

Why is Sevin Prohibited On Lawns?

It’s not just Sevin. Several other chemicals prohibited for use on lawns across different states include glyphosate, Bifenthrin, 2,4-D, Glyphosate, and more. The reason these chemicals are not permitted is quite simple: to ensure a healthy and clean environment.

Through the international code of conduct on pesticide management, people are individually and collectively required to use pesticides responsibly or pick alternative means whenever possible.

Why Governments Tend to Intervene in the Use of Insecticides and Pesticides

1. Environmental Protection

Insecticides will often cause soil, air, and water contamination if not regulated. When an organism that isn’t targeted by a pesticide’s application ends up getting affected, the result harms biodiversity.

2. To Protect Human Health

Pesticides can easily compromise human health as well. Kids are particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of pesticides, mainly due to their more permeable skin or underdeveloped immune system and tendency to put objects in their mouth.

Among humans, pesticides are usually absorbed by the body, mainly through the respiratory system and skin or mouth. Immediate effects triggered by harmful pesticides include fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, eye or skin irritation, and headaches. If symptoms persist, do not hesitate to visit the ER.


Sold under the brand name Sevin, Carbaryl is a common chemical found in lawn insecticides. Lots of countries worldwide, including Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Germany, outlaw the use of this chemical on lawns because it can kill a wide array of both bad and good insects.

For example, Carbaryl is excellent at lowering the population of mosquitos on your lawn and backyard, but it also severely harms honey bees. Needless to say, honey bees are essential pollinators in our ecosystem and a crucial part of any robust and healthy environment.

So it makes total sense that governments would outlaw a chemical that affects the local environment and its pollinators.

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Sevin 100519576 Ready to Use Bug Killer – via

How Does Sevin Insecticide Work?

Sevin works by preventing nerves in an insect from functioning. By effectively stopping the destruction of a nerve chemical called acetylcholine, chemicals inside Sevin affect the insect’s central nervous system, causing paralysis, convulsions, and eventually death.

If Sevin can be this toxic, here are some of the most frequently asked questions on the chemical to help you better understand its effects in different situations.

Any Other Reasons Sevin is Prohibited on Lawns?

Sevin as a ready-to-spray product is not approved for use on lawns due to the reasons mentioned above, as well as because it could cause damages to turfgrass. If you feel like you have to use a carbaryl product on your lawn, you can go for Sevin Insecticide Granules instead.

How Often Should I Apply Sevin?

I hope you’re referring to Sevin lawn Granules. For these granules, repeat applications as needed if you notice renewed insect damage or activity appearing in your lawns or garden area. But there is a limit. Do not apply Sevin Granules more than once a week.

Will Sevin Dust Hurt My Pets?

First and foremost, do not use Sevin dust indoors because it does not vacuum properly. Also, do not allow anyone (including your pets) to go into a treated area until all the dust settles. What’s more? Ensure you never apply Sevin directly to your cat or dog. Instead, go for topical products for flea control.

Will Rain Wash Away Applied Sevin Spray?

As long as you applied the Sevin chemical at least 24 hours before the rain fell, it shouldn’t wash off the treated area.

What Insects Does Sevin Kill?

Sevin kills a whole lot of bugs and insects, including spiders, ticks, fleas, Japanese beetles, aphids, ants, whiteflies, stink bugs, flea beetles, cutworms, and cabbageworm. In total, a Sevin Insect Killer concentrate can kill up to 500 different insects.

Is Sevin Okay to Use On Vegetable Gardens?

Even though Sevin is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency for use on vegetable gardens, remember that it’s toxic, and you’ll need to exercise utmost caution when applying it.

Manufacturers’ suggested wait period before eating any vegetable that has been sprayed with Sevin ranges from five to 14 days. The exact days will depend on the vegetable exposed to Sevin.

How Do You Spread Sevin Granules?

We’ve already established that if you live in a nation where Sevin isn’t prohibited, and you have to apply it to your lawn, the best approach is to use Sevin granules instead. This section is dedicated to helping you find the best way to spread Sevin granules on your property or vegetable garden.

Use a broadcast spreader (best for large areas) or a drop spreader (perfect for small, precise areas) to spread Sevin granules. Also, only spread the granules on calm days and ensure no rain has been forecasted for the next 24 hours.

Final Thoughts

There are thousands of alternate options you can go with when it comes to lawn care products. Better yet, most of these organic lawn care options are safe to use and also naturally possess qualities that’ll help cut down on pest and weed growth on your lawn.

Also, as I noted earlier, Sevin isn’t the only chemical you need to be wary of out there. In fact, regardless of the pesticide you’re using, carefully read the ingredients and instructions if you’re going to use it around your pets or children.

I hope this guide gives you a great idea of why Sevin is prohibited on lawns?