Take a bold step and level up the appearance of your garden by planting some gorgeous yellow perennials. Colorful or bright flowers definitely increase the beauty of a landscape and substantially uplift the green or dark shade of the surroundings.
One of the good characteristics of a perennial flowering plant is its ability to regrow and rebloom every single year. This cycle can continue for a long time as far as the plant stays healthy.
The shade yellow is vibrant, offering an all-summer beauty. If you are a beginning gardener or a homeowner who loves plants, consider plants that are generally classified as yellow perennials for starters.
There are absolutely many genuses and varieties of yellow flowers. To help you narrow down your choices, here is a list of the best and easy to maintain yellow perennial plants.
Top 10 Yellow Perennials Flowers
1. Basket-of-Gold

Basket-of-gold, otherwise known as aurinia saxatilis, is one of the most picked yellow perennials for years. This type of plant originally came from the continents of Asia and Europe.
If you’re into clustered flowers, you won’t surely have any doubt choosing this perennial. It blooms clusters of yellow petalled flowers that eventually resemble a “basket of gold” when seen from a distance.
When it comes to its maintenance, this perennial plant is not very picky. It does well in shaded places but most preferred to be kept in an area where it can get plenty of sunlight.
Soil is not a problem as it survives on almost all types. If taken care of properly, it grows to an average height of 8 inches to 12 inches tall, which makes it perfect to grow on any type of garden regardless of the space.
2. Chamomile

Chamomile, sometimes spelled as camomile, is also a great yellow perennials plant to choose. This is popular for its classic look that resembles a daisy flower.
It highlights white petals with yellow disc flowers. It can surely be a perfect addition for your garden from spring to summer and even up to fall as it is able to bloom non-stop for long months (10 weeks up to 12 weeks). It is definitely a fast growing plant.
Taking care of it is pretty much basic, i.e. regularly watering, placing it in a well drained soil and at a spot where sunlight is enough. Remember that deadheading is also required in order to unlock the full potential of its bloom.
3. Coneflower

Botanically known as rudbeckia, coneflower is a part of the daisy family that features long petals in different colors depending on the variety, including yellow shade.
It is a type of clumping plant that doesn’t spread out. One plant can only grow taller than others. It can be ideal to choose if you want to save more space for other plants.
This non-spreading yellow perennials flowering plant is also famous for its ability to resist heat and even drought. This certainly requires growing during summer, but easy to manage anywhere in any season with sunlight.
Another factor why this flower is a good choice is because it attracts pollinators like bees as well as lovely birds. Having the presence of this plant definitely enhances the overall aspect of your home garden.
4. Evening Primrose

Some yellow perennials can be beneficial for the health of you and your whole family. One good example is an evening primrose.
The petals can be used as oil or extract, which helps in treating eczema, acne and other skin related problems. It is also good in regulating blood pressure and maintaining heart health.
This plant does not only bloom yellow flowers, but other varieties produce clean white, red and pink flowers. It grows about 6 inches to 24 inches in height.
5. Fumewort

Fumewort, bird-in-a-bush or corydalis is another perennial plant you may add to your garden, patio or even poolside. This is basically a grass type that grows to an average height of 9 inches to 15 inches only.
Its small size contributes to its minimal care requirement. Basically, it needs a full sunlight exposure and a good soil for it to grow healthily.
Despite the characteristics above, this is still considered as yellow perennials as one variety produces bright yellow flowers. During the bloom time, its unique flowers are active for long months, usually 16 weeks.
6. Helenium

Next on the list is the helenium, which is commonly known as sneezeweed, swamp sunflower or sun brew flower that highlights a yellow to red-orange bloom.
It possesses short sun or fire-like bright colored petals and larger disc flowers in the middle. You can observe its maturity once the plant reaches a height of 3 feed to 5 feet tall with a spread of 24 inches.
Like most yellow perennials, basic care and maintenance is stress-free. It survives well in rich, moist soil. In fact, this prefers moderate or heavy moisture.
It is best to place it at a spot where it can get full sun or at least 6 hours of sun a day. Of course, an adequate amount of water helps in its overall growth and health.
7. Leopard’s Bane

Leopard’s bane is a cute plant that features flowers that look like a daisy and a sunflower. This early spring bloomer can add charm to your garden or yard. The bright yellow colored petals do not only attract people, but also insects and birds.
It’s one of the yellow perennials that is not difficult to grow. It is popular for its undeniably low maintenance. As long as this is grown in moist, well drained soil, there should be less or zero issues. In addition, this demands full sun but must be kept protected from the sun in the afternoon.
8. Pincushion

Pincushion or scabiosa is a good flowering perennial as well. This has some varieties, including yellow pincushion that is a California native.
It often blooms during the later weeks of spring up to the summer season. It definitely tolerates heat but regular watering should be observed.
The yellow shade of the flowers is almost dirty white or beige, which makes pincushion unique in some way. If you prefer less brightness or want to complement other rich and colorful plants, this perennial is a good choice.
9. Tickseed

Tickseed is also known by its botanical name coreopsis. Despite its weird name, this plant produces beautiful yellow flowers with unique petal shapes.
Most varieties have ribbon cut petals that undoubtedly catch the attention of people. Generally, this plant can beautify your surroundings. It makes an excellent border flowering plant.
Other than plain yellow flowers, some are bicolored featuring red, orange or pink in the middle. You may mix them in a large pot or ground bedding to create a much prettier view. Make sure this plant gets enough sun and water. Initially, it should be planted in a healthy soil.
10. Yarrow

Scientifically known as achillea, yarrow or fernleaf is also among the yellow perennials that can turn your yard into a jaw-dropping backdrop. While there are other varieties producing red, orange, pink and white flowers, the yellow one is a great consideration.
The flowers are very tiny but grouped together from a tall, erect stem. The vibrance of the shade can surely uplift the overall beauty of the entire vicinity. It is a captivating spring and summer plant to grow.
Additional Tips for Taking Care of Perennial Flowers
Plants categorized as perennials are very easy to maintain since they can live in the ground for a couple of years or longer. But of course, some basic care is needed for better growing results.
- Start planting in fall or spring. Perennials are best planted when the temperature is cooler.
- Water the plants before digging holes.
- Add suitable fertilizers or organic matter into the planting holes.
- Place some mulch around the plant. Do not exceed more than 3 inches.
- Regularly, deeply water on its first growing season.
- Avoid overly wet or dry soil.
- Deadhead whenever necessary. This helps in stimulating more growth and better blooms.
These eye-catching yellow perennials are wonderful to add to your garden. The color yellow perfectly contrasts the obvious green leaves of other plants.
From the list of perennial plants above, which ones interest you the most? We’d like to hear your favorite!