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How To Take Care Of A Grasshopper? 7 Steps Guide!

Grasshoppers are a wonderful alternative for those who want to keep insects as pets since they are low-cost (even free), don’t need any particular food, and do not require much space or other materials.

To maintain your grasshopper healthy, though, you’ll have to follow a few easy precautions to ensure that their habitat is dry and warm and the food is safe for consumption. This article contains a 7 step guide on how to take care of a grasshopper.

Grasshoppers (suborder Caelifera) are a good alternative for individuals looking for a pet bug with basic requirements. They normally eat widely available plants, don’t require special equipment or a large tank, and are unlikely to frighten visitors.

Because there are so many distinct kinds (about 11,000 at last count), you’ll need to research your pets’ individual needs, but basic care doesn’t vary much.

Except for Antarctica, grasshoppers can be found on every continent. Grasshoppers can be found at any time of year if you reside in a really warm section of the earth where it does not get cold even in the winter.

Suppose you reside in a section of the world with hot summers and bitterly cold winters. In that case, however, grasshoppers will most likely only be found during the warmer months of the year, when the temperature does not drop below freezing at any time of day or night.

How To Take Care Of A Grasshopper
“feeding my grasshopper visitor” via Flickr

How To Take Care Of A Grasshopper

Step 1: Grasshoppers should be kept in a large, clear glass or plastic container

First, ensure that the grasshopper is healthy and has no obvious deformities.

Use Plastic or Glass Containers

  • You’ll want to be able to view your grasshoppers, so a transparent container is a way to go.
  • Plastic or glass containers may be used to create a grasshopper terrarium or cage.

Spacious Containers are a must.

  • To assure that your grasshoppers move effectively, make sure the tank is big enough (based on the size of your grasshopper species) for them to jump around in.
  • The majority of grasshopper terrariums are 5-10 gallons in size.

Avoid Mesh Containers

  • Grasshoppers can gnaw on cloth and other similar materials, so never keep them in a mesh container if you do not want them to escape.

Step 2: Feed Your Grasshoppers with Leaves and Grasses

A herbivorous diet is natural for Grasshoppers.

  • Gravel is used in keeping the grasshoppers at bay.
  • Grasshoppers feed on grasses and leaves.
  • In the wild, grasshoppers can harm your garden plants and flowers.
  • You get to decide what they eat in their Terrarium.
  • Grow your grasshoppers on an all-vegetable (herbivorous) diet.
  • Their natural diet includes grasses, leaves, seeds, flowers, and other plant matter.

Grasshoppers eat non-poisonous leaves.

  • Grasshoppers eat practically any type of grass and are not picky eaters.
  • Grasshoppers will refuse to consume a poisonous leaf; therefore, keep track of which leaves your grasshoppers refuse to eat.
Grasshoppers feeding How To Take Care Of A Grasshopper
“Grasshoppers feeding on cassava leaves” via Flickr

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Step 3: Before feeding the grasshoppers, spray the leaves and grasses with water droplets

Avoid extremely humid Terrarium.

  • Please take note of this tip, as many people accidentally kill their grasshoppers by feeding them too much water.
  • Grasshoppers don’t like it when their Terrarium is too humid, and it can even kill them.

Grasshoppers, on the other hand, require water to survive.

Spray the food with water

  • If you want to offer grasshoppers water, don’t put a watering station in their Terrarium.
  • You should also avoid spraying your grasshoppers with water directly.
  • Spray their food with water before placing it in the Terrarium to provide them with water.
  • This strategy ensures you don’t give them too much water, which might hurt them.

Step 4: Debris and poop should be removed from the Terrarium

It’s not a good idea to leave decomposing food or debris in the Terrarium for lengthy periods because it can soon get quite humid.

Avoid unwanted bacterial and fungal growth at all costs.

  • The humidity can promote the growth of decaying fungus and bacteria, allowing dangerous germs to flourish.
  • Remove any uneaten grass or anything rotting from the Terrarium to prevent hazardous bacteria from infecting your grasshoppers.

Step 5: Your Grasshoppers must not be exposed to Insecticides

  • Insecticides should not be used in the room where your grasshopper terrarium is kept.
  • In addition, avoid using insect-killing chemicals when cleaning the Terrarium.
  • Insecticides kill grasshoppers, so be cautious when using them in a home containing grasshoppers.

Step 6: If you want your grasshoppers to breed, only keep male and female grasshoppers in the same Terrarium

Grasshoppers reproduce quickly to keep their number growing. If you don’t want to end up with more grasshoppers than you anticipated, don’t mix males and females in the same Terrarium.

Male and Female Characteristics

The size, color, and other characteristics of grasshoppers can be used to determine their sex.

  • Female grasshoppers are slightly larger than male grasshoppers.
  • Male grasshoppers, on the other hand, have a much brighter color than female grasshoppers.
  • If you look at your grasshoppers’ abdomens, you’ll notice 2-4 sharp points at the end of the female grasshopper’s abdomen.
  • The abdomen of male grasshoppers is spherical or smooth.

Step 7: In a small terrarium, keep fewer males

  • If you have a terrarium with more than three males, make sure you have adequate space, food, and mates for them.
  • When the Terrarium’s resources (or their needs) are restricted, grasshoppers can battle.

Additional Information on How to Prepare the Terrarium for your Grasshopper

Remember that your grasshoppers will be living in the Terrarium, so make it as comfortable as possible for them. In a pet store, you may easily find a terrarium ideal for grasshoppers. Get a clear, large plastic or glass container and follow the steps below to construct one for yourself.

Fill the bottom of the Terrarium with sand.

  • In terrariums, sand is essential.
  • It can assist in absorbing grasshopper excrement and allow the growth of plants that your grasshoppers can consume, in addition to making the container look more natural.
  • At least 2-3 inches of sand should be present at the bottom of the Terrarium.

In the Terrarium, arrange twigs and sticks.

  • Sticks and twigs will be needed for your grasshoppers to sit and perch on.
  • Fill your grasshopper Terrarium with a variety of branches, sticks, and twigs.
  • They’d be a hit with your grasshoppers.

Light and Temperature

  • The temperature in your grasshopper terrarium should be between 77°F and 95°F (25°C and 35°C).
  • It would be best not to position your grasshopper terrarium in an area that receives more than 4 hours of direct sunshine.
  • Since too much heat from the sun can kill your grasshoppers (especially mid-day sunlight).


You should now know how to construct a terrarium for your grasshoppers, as well as the correct temperature and light required. Make sure your grasshoppers have enough food and water.

They also need to roam free, so do not keep the grasshoppers in a container with no room for escape. Allow them to eat, poop, reproduce and die naturally. You’ll know that all your efforts were worth it once you see your grasshoppers breed and grow.

Remember that this process is not an instant fix; you will need to invest some time to become successful. If you are ready, go ahead and take care of those adorable grasshoppers!

Hopefully, this guide will give you a better understanding of how to take care of your grasshoppers. As mentioned before, grasshoppers are very easy to take care of, making the best pets. Now you know everything you need to know about keeping these guys alive and healthy!