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Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow? (7 Main Reasons)

African violets are a beautiful houseplant that blooms throughout the year. These tiny plants’ violet blossoms adorn the house, but they also come in different hues and double petal variations. Despite having a few peculiarities regarding fertilizer & watering methods, they are simple to grow. 

When the leaves of an African violet turn yellow, the plant indicates a lack or excess of something. Then, you may wonder: “Why are my African violet leaves turning yellow?” 

No worries. This article will provide a thorough explanation to help you get the gist of your problem and how to deal with it efficiently.

Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow
Why Is This African Violet Turning Yellow via

7 Reasons Why Your African Violet Leaves Turn Yellow

When you notice your African violet leaves are gradually turning yellow, consider the following reason: old age, incorrect watering, light, humidity, pests, root rot, and fertilizers. These factors often contribute to the damage of your plant leaves.

1. Old Age

The fading of African violet leaves does not have to be a sign of a problem. The leaves may become yellow as they mature, but this is a normal and unavoidable process that you do not have to be concerned about.

Although providing good care to the plant may postpone the process, the lower leaves will ultimately turn yellow and fall off.

This characteristic also allows the African violet plant to produce new leaves and direct more nutrients into a new development. If the old foliage remains on the plant for an extended time, it may interfere with the growth of the plant’s other – healthier vines and leaves.

2. Incorrect Watering

Incorrect watering is one of the significant reasons African violet leaves turn yellow. Overwatering causes yellow leaves, which are a common reaction. If the soil remains damp for an extended period, the leaves will get bleached and develop ring spots.

Another factor to consider is the water temperature. Excessively cold or hot water might disturb the plant, causing the leaves to become yellow.

3. Light

When exposed to direct, blistering solar beams, the African violet plant’s leaves may lose color and become yellow. However, these plants don’t like low light, either. If that’s the case, an African Violet’s leaves will become yellow when placed in a dark environment with an insufficient light source.

To nurture a healthy African violet plant, you must strike a balance between harsh lighting conditions.

Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow 2
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow via

4. Humidity

The African violet plant thrives with humidity levels ranging from 50% to 80%. Without proper precautions, prolonged exposure to high humidity might increase infection susceptibility.

On the other hand, the African violet plant may turn yellow when placed in a low-moisture environment.

5. Pests

Pest might be another reason causing the leaves to turn yellow. Mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites are all pests that attack African violets.

spider mites Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Yellow

All of these pests eat on the plant’s nutrients, causing the plant’s system to deteriorate. If you’re using pebble trays for humidity, make sure to change the water every other day; otherwise, your African violet will become infected with fungus gnats.

6. Root Rot

Root rot has affected the lower leaves of your African violet, which are sagging and becoming yellow.

Root rot symptoms are particularly noticeable on the lower leaves or those at the plant’s base.  The yellow leaves will soon become brown and mushy as the disease spreads.

7. Fertilizers

If your African violet plant can’t absorb the nutrients from the soil or there aren’t enough nutrients, yellow leaves will sprout.

If you over-fertilize your African Violet, it may produce yellow leaves. This situation occurs because fertilizer salts build up in the soil and can cause roots to get burnt. Chlorinated water is another source of potting soil accumulation or toxicity.

White salt deposits will also be visible on the container’s surface. And you must remove this residue. Otherwise, your African violet leaves will get damaged.

How To Fix Your African Violet’s Yellow Leaves?

You can handle yellowing leaves with organic techniques in many situations. We suggest some methods, as demonstrated below:

1. Watering Method

African violets require specialized watering cans with long, thin spouts. They allow you to water close to the soil beneath the leaves. You may address the yellow leaf problem by filling one of these watering cans with room temperature water.

If you reside in a low-humidity location, consider putting the pot in a saucer with stones and some water. Roots should suck water up from the saucer with this approach, keeping the leaves dry. It’s critical to change the water every couple of days to keep the gnats at bay.

Remember to avoid chlorinated water or chemical-laden tap. Instead, water your African violets with distilled water or rainwater.

2. Lighting Changes

How To Fix Your African Violets Yellow Leaves

Try relocating your African Violet to a southeastern or western-facing window if it’s in an office or a low-light location. It should receive bright yet indirect sunshine, which is ideal for African violets.

Make sure the plant’s pot is about 3 inches away from the windowpane to allow the most amount of light to pass through.

3. Pest Problems

You should discard any yellow leaves. Once a week, spray your African violet with a neem oil solution until the pests are gone. Make sure the spray covers the stems and undersides of the leaves. While treating pests, keep the plant away from your other plants until all bugs are dead. 

4. Fertilizer and Soil Solutions 

Use a fertilizer specifically designed for African violets and only use it once a month throughout the growing season. You might also want to soak the soil 3-4 times a year to eliminate any salt buildup.

You should also re-pot your African Violet if you’ve kept it for more than two years. Fresh soil may be all you need to prevent yellow leaves because soil nutrients don’t remain forever. 

It’s worth noting that African violets aren’t fond of regular potting soil. Instead, Sphagnum peat moss, which you can find in most garden stores, is what they prefer.

You may pinch off the golden leaves that have already sprouted. This should promote healthy, fresh growth.

If these remedies do not resolve your yellowing leaves, there may be a more serious problem at hand. You may need to use non-organic techniques such as fungicides or pesticides to aid in these situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Trim The Yellow Leaves On You African Violet?

Trim your plant’s yellow leaves to save energy and prevent pests or diseases from spreading. However, you should utilize tools that are sharp and clean.

How Often Should You Water Your African Violet?

Only water these plants once the top layer of potting soil has dried. Overwatering will not only cause your leaves to turn yellow, but it will also kill your plant.

Is It Necessary To Re-Pot Your African Violet Plant If It Develops Yellow Leaves?

When African Violets are root-bound, they blossom. Unnecessary repotting might cause blooming not as fast as usual. Only re-pot if the plant has rotted or it gets infected with a disease. Pruning the yellow leaves, on the other hand, is an excellent idea.

The Bottom Line 

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you have fully understood why your African violet leaves are turning yellow. Plus, you can get some tips above to fix your leaves. If you have experienced at least one of those methods, don’t hesitate to drop a comment and share your result with everyone and us.