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How to Install a Deer Fence – 7 Awesome Steps

If you live in the countryside or have a forest somewhere near your house, the chances are that you may get frequent visits from a deer friend (pun intended). If you are tired of those uninvited visits, then the best way to prevent them is to know how to install a deer fence.

A deer might steer away and crash on your patio or garden and chew away from your beautiful garden. However, innocent it may seem, it can still wreak havoc on your garden. Not only do deer eat, trample, and defecate on your garden, but they can also be dangerous to your kids and pets.

So instead of trying to shoo them away or taking out your musket, learn how to install a deer fence to keep them away from your garden.

How to Install a Deer Fence
Fencer Wire 7 ft. x 100 ft – via
Fencer Wire 7 ft. x 100 ft. Garden & Plant Protective Netting with 3/4" Mesh, Reusable & Doesn't Tangle, Protection Against Bird, Deer and Other Animals, Multiple Choices Available (c. Heavy Duty)
  • 🐥 Protect your plants: Our 3/4 inch mesh provides maximum protection without harming birds and small animals or interfering with plant growth. Prevent damage and protect fruit trees, berries, bushes, shrubs, plants, flowers and vegetables safe in the knowledge that your choice of bird proof barrier is wildlife friendly unlike a chemical repellent spray.
  • 🐥 Enjoy the fruits of your labor: Don’t let birds, deer and other critters ruin your harvest and feast on your produce before you get a chance to. Ideal blueberry netting, this effective deterrent works best as an outdoor cover for tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, fig, cherry and other fruit trees. Keep pest birds away and your crop peck-free this summer.
  • 🐥 Frustration-free installation: Our extra strong fruit tree netting is easy to use; it’s not ‘sticky’ and won’t snag on every little leaf and branch. Can be cut to size without fraying to suit multiple garden purposes. Can be used with garden fencing, a fence screen or as a temporary measure. Other nets can be impossible to untangle and re-use; not ours. It folds and unfolds easily so you can use over and over again, season after season
  • 🐥 Our garden netting not only can be used to stop deer, but also can against birds, rabbits, squirrels, a variety of wild animals that disturb you, and can be used to make chicken coop fences and pond nets.
  • 🐥 NOTICE! For convenience in shipment, each mesh will be folded in half -- the package will be about 4 ft in length. Netting size 7 ft. X 100 ft. And mesh size 3/4"; heavy duty strength; fence Weight 8 lb

How to Install a Deer Fence

To help keep the deer away from your garden, follow our simple guide on how to install a deer fence. But before we start the installation, you need to know what items you will be needing.

Items You Will Need

7 Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Install Deer Fence

Now that you are geared up, it is time to take on this simple project. We have assimilated a very helpful guide to help you learn how to install a deer fence with no professional help.

Step 1: Finalize the Location

The first step includes determining the fence’s location and making a layout plan before installation. For that purpose, take a measuring tape to mark and measure the perimeter of your fence. Measure around your garden where you want to install your fence and record the complete perimeter. Then place the neon tape around the perimeter to get better visualization.

Tip: the perimeter will determine how much fence gauze and posts you need. So, measure it before making the purchase.

 Once the perimeter is marked and measured, pinpoint the areas where you will need to add the fence posts and mark the gate’s location. Place the fence posts twelve to fifteen feet apart from each other.

As the locations for fence posts are marked, lay down the posts perpendicular to their installation point. Also, keep in mind the point which will be the corners of the fence.

Step 2: Pegging the Fence Posts

Now that you have planned out the layout of your fence, it is time to erect the fence posts. Fence posts are very important since they will support the whole structure.

Start erecting your fence post at each marked point and drive it into the ground with the post driver. Make sure you force a sufficient part of the fence posts into the ground to get a good grip and support. Drive at least 1 foot of your fence post into the ground.

Ensure that the fence posts are strongly erected in the ground, and they should not be wobbly or leaning. You can use either wooden stakes or metal fence posts. Using wooden stakes, you can drive them into the ground using a sledgehammer or mallet.

In the case of metal fence posts, you will have to drive them into the ground using a post driver. While erecting the fences, remember the location of driveways, gates, and fence corners.

Step 3: Creating Tension

To add tension between the fence posts and hold them together in the same direction, attach monofilament from one end of the post to the other. You can use connector clips for that purpose. Now run a monofilament line to the other post and tightly bind it.

Repeat the same process for the bottom end of the post.

Step 4: Attaching the Fence Gauze

Now take the fence gauze and start unrolling it as you go. Do not unroll the whole gauze all at once, as it will become difficult to handle it.

Start attaching the fence gauze from one fence post and secure it using strong zip ties. Use several zip ties to ensure the gauze is attached in place effectively. Keep the fence as close to the ground as possible.

Now keep unrolling the fence gauze and attach it tightly to the other fence post. Make sure that the fence gauze is tightly attached.

Keep repeating the process with all fence posts all around your perimeter. Use a wire or bolt cutter to cut the fence gauze and wear safety gloves to avoid injuries.

Step 5: Add Extra Stakes

You can attach some wooden stakes between the posts for additional support and strength. They will hold and support the wire gauze. It is best to tie them with the gauze using zip ties.

Step 6: Fasten the Fence to the Ground

Now take a hammer and some fasteners and start fastening the fence to the ground. The fastener hooks will hold the fence in its place and provide additional strength and support to your deer fence.

Step 7: Tie Flags

Now that your deer fence is all ready and set, add some white flags or neon tapes at about 10 feet height as a warning. It will avoid any accidents. When the fence is not visible at night, the reflective tape or flag will help warn the drivers.

How to Install a Deer Fence 2
Deer at the Fence – via Flickr

7 Bonus Tips in Installing a Deer Fence

These additional tips are enlisted to help you further while learning how to install a deer fence.

  1. The height of the fence is important. Make sure your fence is at least higher than 10 feet. Deer can easily jump up to 8 feet high fences.
  2. Do not use barbed wires or anything that may hurt the deer. Remember, the purpose is to keep the deer out, not hurt them.
  3. Make sure you use a metallic fence gauze with high tensile strength so it does not break on impact.
  4. Use some reflective tape at waistline height as a warning to avoid any accidents.
  5. The male deer have strong antlers. So, keep this in mind while installing your fence.
  6. However cute and innocent they may seem, deer are still wild animals. Do not try to go near them or feed them or let your children go close. It might startle them, and they may hurt you.
  7. Electric fences are ineffective against wild animals like deer. Domestic animals will learn not to go near an electric fence. But a wild animal will not learn and keep running into your fences.


Deer may seem like harmless animals with their sweet enchanting eyes. But don’t be fooled! They can be dangerous to you and your family, pets, property, and lovely garden. They will trample your lovely flower beds, defecate everywhere, and chew away on plants.

They can be a nuisance in this regard. So, to keep it away from your garden and your kids, you can build a deer fence. Knowing how to install a deer fence has become so easy with our simple guide. You can save your beautiful gardens from getting trashed and prevent uninvited visits from your deer friends.

Please leave your feedback and share your deer anecdotes with us.