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Shamrock Inkberry Holly (5 Caring Tips and Propagating Method)

Shamrock Inkberry Holly, also known as Ilex glabra shamrock, is an evergreens shrub that produces magnificent fruit that provides numerous benefits.

These shrubs retain their beautiful leaves every season, making them one of the most durable shrubs to buy in the market. The adaptability of these shrubs to different environmental conditions has made these shrubs one of the fan favorites in recent times.

These plants have a compact form with dense foliage, so do not worry if you have limited space in your garden, as these plants can adjust quite well in small spaces.

We recommend using these shrubs for either garden use or hedging, massing, and topiary. They are relatively low-maintenance plants and would only ask for a few requirements to be fulfilled for ideal growth.

Shamrock Inkberry Holly
Shamrock Inkberry Holly – via Etsy

Characteristics of Shamrock Inkberry Holly

The unique characteristics are the main reason behind the adaptability and durability of these beautiful shrubs. We have listed down some characteristics that would help you better understand the nature of these shrubs.


The dark green color of the foliage makes it even more beautiful when it turns to glossy light green in the spring season. The colors remain intact even in the winter season when most other plants’ colors start to fade away.

The bloom time starts in May and lasts till the end of June. The greenish-white bloom color further intensifies the overall look of the foliage. We recommend you to keep this plant with special care as it can be quite beneficial for your garden if grown under preferred conditions.


The hardiness zones of these plants are 5a to 10a. A wide range shows the overall capability of these shrubs to grow under different climate conditions. Their water and other caring needs differ depending upon the temperature, so make sure that you carefully follow the tips provided later in this guide.


These plants can grow up to 4 feet high and wide, so make sure you provide them enough space to grow freely. Moreover, these plants do like to spread to attain an oval shape, so keep all the other plants at a specific distance to ensure that they are protected from getting into each other.


They are evergreen plants that do not lose their foliage color throughout the year. The dark green color will provide different shades with changing seasons but never fade away. The plant leaves do not fall and remain intact with the stem no matter how harsh the conditions get.

Drought tolerant

These plants can live without water for days; however, we advise you to keep a check on the plant’s foliage to see if it needs water. Water resistance makes these plants quite easy to handle as you do not need to worry about watering them regularly.

Landscape attributes

These plants have unique landscape attributes that set them apart from other landscape plants. They can be grown alone without any other plant beside them and still fulfill your garden with extremely beautiful colors exempting the need for more plants.

We highly recommend using these shrubs for mass planting, topiary, screening, or general garden use.

Shamrock Inkberry Holly 2
Shamrock Inkberry Holly – via Etsy

Caring tips for Inkberry Holly

These plants are quite easy to care for, but they do grow at a slow pace with an ideal life of more than 40 years. There are a few tips that we have listed down to ensure the proper and healthy growth of your evergreen shrub.


These shrubs prefer to grow under full sun, so make sure that you place them outside your house where full sunlight reaches the foliage of the plant. If keeping them outside is not possible, you can also place them under partial sunlight inside the house, but their growth will slow down.


As mentioned above, they can tolerate drought conditions, but make sure that you keep the soil moist without overwatering it. These plants can also tolerate standing water in the soil, but it can cause several growth issues, so please avoid it as much as you can.

The plant requires more water in the summer season that decreases with the arrival of winter, so make sure that you water the plant according to its requirements to keep it hydrated and thriving at its maximum pace.


They can adapt to different soil conditions but prefer rich, acidic soil with a pH of less than 6. Please avoid using alkaline soil as it will cause the leaves of the plants to become yellow. Add additional organic matter into the soil to improve its drainage.


These plants can live under temperatures as low as 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, but make sure that you keep the plant protected under harsh temperature conditions to reduce the risk of losing your plant before it shows its true beauty.

They can survive under extreme temperatures, but you need to take some precautionary measures before stepping into those climates if your plant has not reached its mature age.


Occasional pruning of the shrubs helps them to maintain their shape and size. We advise you to prune after the winter season when all the frost is gone, and the plant moves towards its growing season.

Pruning also encourages the growth of the leaves, allowing them to become stronger and healthier than before.

Propagating Shamrock Inkberry Holly

These shrubs self-propagate by spreading root suckers, but make sure that you remove the suckers every year as they can grow at a very high speed to cover the whole area in no time.

Shamrock inkberry sucker less compared to other inkberry hollies, so make sure that you transplant the suckering roots present around the base in time to grow them at your desired place with good health. 


We have provided you with a complete guide on how you can protect and grow your Shamrock Inkberry holly with ease. These plants are not like any other shrubs you will come across every other day, as they produce berries with exceptional evergreen foliage color that makes a stunning sight.