In the design of personal plots, landowners are increasingly giving preference to the grass. This is because it is beautiful, fast, and convenient. It becomes unpleasant when the emerald color of the grass loses its brightness and richness.
Also, it is doubly unpleasant when the yellowing of the lawn is accompanied by thinning with bald spots. If this is the planted grass, it can be helped to recover, but the main thing is to establish the cause.
It is more difficult with rolled grass because it is grown in special comfortable conditions, and it is not easy for it to adapt to climatic changes.
- Why Is My Grass Turning Yellow?
- 1. A lot or little fertilizer
- 2. Restless winter
- 3. Lack of moisture
- 4. The density of lawn crops
- 5. Low grass mowing
- 6. Reconsolidation of soil under the grass
- 7. Livelihoods of pets
- 8. Exposure to toxic substances
- 9. Diseases on the grass
- 10. Unsuccessful grass cut
- 11. Excessively compacted soil
- 12. Remnants of cut grass or dead particles
- Conclusion
Why Is My Grass Turning Yellow?
1. A lot or little fertilizer
The reason why my grass turns yellow is the lack of nitrogen and iron. The lawn is fertilized with ammonia mixtures only until the middle of summer.
When urea is added later to actively growing grass, it does not withstand frost well. Excess nitrogen has serious consequences. Once it turned yellow after winter completely, all young growth died.
Red filamentousness is a characteristic sign of a lack of nitrogenous feeding. Usually, the symptoms are noticeable in the fall. Small burn marks appear on the lawn where the thinned grass withers and breaks off. It becomes like a carpet burnt out from the sun.
2. Restless winter
In winter, the grass needs hibernation, like a bear in a den. It is better not to disturb the lawn. The roots should rest without stress. The layer of snow does not count.
But after pouring the skating rink or walking with snow molding, the lawn will not withstand. The grass will come out in shreds in the spring, and the bald spots will quickly turn yellow. Only digging can help such a lawn or sow it again.
Fragmentary freezing or damping of the grass in winter is also not uncommon. During the period of prolonged thaws, a dense crust forms on the snow. Typically, the more irregularities on the green carpet, the more spots in the spring.
3. Lack of moisture
This is the most common cause of grass yellowing. The phenomenon is normally observed in summer during a period of drought. It should be noted that this process is reversible in most cases.
Noticing that the grass has turned yellow in the heat, you should not immediately repair or redo it. Just wait for intense rain or organize abundant watering, and the lawn will gradually become luscious and green again.
4. The density of lawn crops
Many owners of suburban areas, when sowing grass, intentionally exceed the recommended seeding rate. They do this to try to hedge against reduced seed germination and quickly achieve the desired result.
In addition, impatient gardeners significantly often carry out over-sowing of seeds without waiting for the emergence of friendly shoots.
The result of such actions is thickened crops. Grasses compete with each other for space, moisture, and nutrients. Then they turn yellow and fades with the service life being reduced significantly.
5. Low grass mowing
To obtain smooth and neat grass, it is often cut very low at the height of 1 to 1.5 cm. This makes it begin to turn yellow. It should be remembered that climatic conditions in central Russia do not allow lawns to be kept at the height of less than 2-3 cm.
6. Reconsolidation of soil under the grass
Frequent walking, intense sports, and waterlogging on the grass can lead to over consolidating the soil. As a result, the root system of lawns will suffer from a lack of air. On areas of the grass damaged from over consolidation, it is necessary to aerate the soil.
7. Livelihoods of pets
Discharge from dogs and cats has a detrimental effect on grasses. Essentially, the result of this exposure is yellow spots of an uneven shape scattered throughout the lawn. Fencing and walking dogs outside the site or in special pens will help protect against the harmful effects of pets.
8. Exposure to toxic substances
Sometimes yellow spots can appear on the grass due to toxic substances (oil, gasoline, herbicides, etc.) in the soil or on the leaves. It is recommended to replace such damaged areas of the lawn and the soil under them.
9. Diseases on the grass
In the fall, yellow spots may appear on the grass. This is due to disease development, which is a consequence of waterlogged soil and a lack of nitrogen. It is not difficult to avoid the appearance of yellow spots and bald spots on the grass.
It is enough to follow all the recommendations for arranging the lawn and caring for it. This is done regularly and promptly water, mow, feed, fight weeds, carry out aeration, and other activities.
10. Unsuccessful grass cut
Blades of grass also suffer from improper cutting. When the grass is too high, more than 8 cm, it turns yellow and interferes with the roots. They lack light and oxygen.
When too much is cut, less than 5 cm, the grass dries quickly. This is especially noticeable with dense planting. The roots begin to bear, and the grass dries quickly.
11. Excessively compacted soil
Due to this factor, air exchange is disrupted, injuring the root system causing yellowish of the grass. With the help of aeration, it is necessary to establish oxygen access to the grass.
To do this, gardeners pierce the soil with a pitchfork in places with the strongest drying out or where moisture is most often collected. Air enters the stems again, nourishes them, and prevents the grass from turning yellow.
12. Remnants of cut grass or dead particles
The grass can turn yellow due to the remnants of cut or dead particles. If the area is not cleaned on time, they form a felt plug, which clogs the top layer of the earth with a dense carpet, thereby complicating the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.
This leads to excessive waterlogging of the lawn, resulting in rotting and damping. Therefore, after mowing the grass, try to comb out the mowed particles with a rake carefully.
The grass makes the homestead look attractive when it is green. Once the yellow patches appear on the lawn, the entire area becomes ugly and starts to wither.
You can find yesterday the lawn was fresh and resilient, but today it has changed its color, and in some places, the earth is visible, and sometimes even an unpleasant odor appears. The above tips are reasons why the grass turns yellow.