The process of cutting down trees is a non-stop part of woodworking. It would help if you fell the tree in a suitable direction; otherwise, it can endanger your safety. Felling a tree in the direction it’s leaning is easier, but felling it against the lean is tricky.
One of the most common questions we get from woodcutters is how to fell a leaning tree. Before we go too much into detail, let’s first look at what causes a tree to lean. There are two main causes for a leaning tree: The tree is leaning towards an obstacle, and it is growing towards the sun.
This article will discuss the different ways to start learning how to fell trees against the lean. We will also go over some of the hazards and safety precautions that you should consider before you start your journey as a tree faller.
Read this article to know all about how to fell a leaning tree in opposite direction.

Precautions Before Felling A Leaning Tree In Opposite Direction
How a tree is felled is important, and one that is not done the right way may end up in the garbage or damage. Therefore, felling a tree in the opposite direction needs all the advice you can get. It would help if you were prepared for the operation beforehand.
Felling trees is a dangerous profession, and it’s important to be aware of both the risks and the precautions that need to be taken. Felling a leaning tree in the opposite direction is even more risky and hectic. The safety of the tree faller is of utmost importance.
Safety starts before the tree is felled and continues until the last log has been removed from the forest. The tree faller should always be aware that trees are dangerous, unpredictable, and can come crashing down at any time.
The need to felling a tree in the opposite direction arises when it is:
- threatening property or people
- within 25 feet of a building
- damaging to utility lines
Tips and Tricks for Successful Tree Felling
The following guidelines will help prevent any injuries from occurring during this process:
- You need to choose an appropriate day and time for felling a leaning tree.
- Keep in mind the weather conditions of the day and make sure there is no rain or strong wind forecasted on that day.
- Prepare for the task at hand by gathering necessary tools like ropes and chainsaws before starting the felling process.
- Do not forget to wear safety gear like a helmet, goggles and gloves before cutting a tree.
- To avoid injury, it is best to work with a partner and have someone nearby who can call for help in case of an emergency.
- Make sure that the tree is not too close to your home or other buildings.
- Make sure that there are no power lines near the area where you plan to cut down the tree.
- If it is leaning towards one side or another, cut on the side of it that leans away from structures or people.
- When cutting down a tall tree, be careful not to get too close to its branches when you are cutting it down.
How to Fell a Leaning Tree in Opposite Direction?
An improperly felled leaning tree is a danger to people as it could mean serious injury or even death. Cutting down a leaner is usually done with 2-3 persons with utmost care so that nobody’s hurt in the process.
We recommend hiring a professional for this purpose. He may charge more, but your safety is more important than the money! Keep safety in mind and use at least one of the techniques that are reliable enough.
Required Equipment
Before starting, make sure that you have the right equipment, such as a chainsaw, safety goggles and gloves. Here are the things you need for the operation and your safety:
- Logger’s helmet
- Long Leather Boots
- Chainsaw
- Extension/ladder
- Strong rigging ropes
- Ground anchor pins
- Felling wedges
- Mallet/Sledgehammer
Step 1: Wear Safety Costume
When it comes to fell-leaning trees, safety comes first. You should wear safety gear like a logger’s helmet, earmuffs, face screen, safety glasses and work boots for your protection during the process.
Step 2: Assess The Site
It is crucial to assess the site where the leaning tree is located, which you are about to cut. Find out the lean angle and if there are any obstacles nearby. Before cutting, it is best to move any cars or property in the vicinity first. If a tree is near your house, be sure all the residents are outside and safe.
Step 3: Remove All Branches
The branches on a leaning trunk will create more weight on the slanted side, causing it to topple in that direction. It would help if you trimmed the tree before felling.
Trimming branches can help lower the trunk’s center of gravity and decrease the overall weight of the tree, making it easier and safer to fall.
Use the extension or tripod ladder to climb up and reach for upper branches. It would be best to tie the extension ladder to a tree before climbing it to prevent anything from happening.
Step 4: Tie The Tree
Next, you will tie your tree using ropes and ground anchor pins to make sure it falls in a specific direction. Insert the ground pins using a hammer to be sturdy enough to hold the tree’s weight.
Step 5: Make A Notch
After determining the right direction of the lean, cut a notch in the side of the trunk that is facing away from the lean side.
You can make a notch by making an undercut on the trunk and then creating another cut just above your undercut. The endpoints of upper and lower cuts should meet to create a wedge shape.
You should make this notch from one side and halfway through the tree. The cut must stop about six inches from the bottom and about four inches from the top of the trunk for safety reasons.
Step 6: Make A Back Cut
Cut the trunk straight on the backside of the notch using a chainsaw. This cut should be deep enough to take in felling wedges. An estimate is around a third of the trunk’s diameter. Be very conscious during this process, as a little deeper cut can cause an unexpected fall.
Step 7: Insert The Wedges
Time to use a hammer and wedge! Insert the felling wedges into the back cut with the help of a sledgehammer. Several wedges can be used depending on the trunk’s diameter.
Step 8: Cut The Tree
Now your tree is ready to be cut against the lean! Please turn on your chain saw and drive it into the back notch until it reaches the notch! As the wedges push the tree, the ropes pull it in the direction you want it to fall.
So now you know how to fell a leaning tree in opposite direction. The primary objective is to provide readers with the necessary knowledge of felling a tree against the lean. It is simpler than it may sound if you follow our step-by-step guide.
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