Are you strolling in search of how to save a dying spider plant? You just stumbled across the right place!
This article will provide the solutions to save your dying spider plant.
Spider plants are easy to grow and propagate, which makes them one of the most popular indoor houseplants.
But sometimes, these plants can be difficult to take care of, especially if they’re on their last legs.
If you are not so punctual in taking care of your garden and your spider plant has already started to wilt, this article is for you.
Luckily, this plant doesn’t need much effort to recover, which is good news.
So, let’s reveal how to save a dying spider plant!

How to Save a Dying Spider Plant? | An Overview!
I know you quickly want to see the solution to your problem, but knowing the causes is also very important to understand why the problem happened in the first place! Therefore, I will first talk about some reasons your spider plant is dying.
However, you can still jump to the main topic by navigating through the content table above.
Causes of Dying Spider Plant
Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow but require some care. If you notice that your spider plant is dying, there are a few reasons why this could be happening.
Insufficient Light
The first reason for a wilting spider plant is that it’s not getting enough light.
All of us know that light is the energy source of plants, be it sunlight or artificial light. Having a plant away from sunlight or in a dark room for too long will result in its death.
- However, the plants have varying degrees of need regarding sunlight, and most are also prone to sunburn in case of receiving too much light.
- The brown or yellow color of the leaves might indicate that the plant is receiving excessive sunlight, so make sure to create a balance.
Spider plants need to be in an area with plenty of indirect sunlight for at least six hours daily.
Inconsistent Watering
Overwatering or underwatering, both conditions can cause your plant to die.
- Too much watering drowns the roots promoting the growth of bacteria.
- As a result, root rot occurs, which ultimately kills your plant.
- On the other hand, scarce watering is a thing that goes without saying. When your plant doesn’t get sufficient water for photosynthesis and respiration, it will die automatically.
The ideal way recommended is to follow a watering regimen giving consistent and regular watering to your green family.
Make sure to change your watering schedule now and then, depending on the weather and season. It is always best to check the soil before watering.
Pests Attack
The third most common reason for a dying spider plant is that it’s being attacked by pests such as mealybugs or aphids.
These bugs feast on your plant, and once they attack your garden, getting rid of them would be a tedious task.
- If you want to know how to save a dying spider plant, you first need to check if the plant is bug-free when you buy it.
- The chances of pest infestation are reduced when growing plants inside, but care is needed in both scenarios, whether grown indoors or outdoors.
Also, you have to ensure that you are giving the right fertilizer formula to your plant as per its needs.
The easy-to-care spider plant is happy with any fertilizer, such as all-purpose, water-soluble, or granular time-release houseplant fertilizer.
Improper Soil
The fourth most common cause of spider plant death is improper soil conditions; the soil should have good drainage and be moist but not wet.
Moreover, you must sooner or later add the required nutrients to the soil — taking a gardening expert’s help.
You must ensure that your soil contains the 17 essential elements, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water.
But as we mentioned, maintaining balance is the key, as over-fertilization can kill your spider plant.
Related article: Best Potting Mix for Indoor Plants – Grow Gardener Blog
Disease Infestation
Finally, a disease could be present in your spider plant, leading to death if left untreated.
Here are the signs that the spider plant is disease affected:
- Black leaf tips
- lesions on the leaf tips
- Leaves yellowing
- Ceased growth
If this is the case with your spider plant, you must take it away from all other plants you have to save them from infection.
How to Save a Dying Spider Plant?
Now is the time that we’ll go over some steps you can take to save your dying spider plant.
Now that you know the causes of the dying spider plant, here are the solutions to it.

1. Proper Watering
The more, the better, is not applicable when watering your spider plant.
The pro tip to knowing your plant’s water requirements is to stick your finger in your soil, checking if it is dry or moist.
- Dry soil? Water your spider plant thoroughly.
- Moist soil? Wait for the top 1/3rd of the soil to get entirely dry before watering the plant.
You can also buy a moisture gauge to check soil’s moisture and schedule your watering timings accordingly. At first, you’ll need to check the soil frequently, but after some time, you’ll become a pro at watering.
It’s all about trial and error!
Notice your spider plant regularly; if the leaves are bleached with dark edges, it is a sign of overwatering. Dried and brown roots mean your spider plant needs plenty of water to quench its thirst.
We recommend you follow these watering tips to ensure a healthy and happy spider plant:
- Twice a week watering would suffice for your spider plant in spring and summer.
- Keep misting the leaves with a spray bottle frequently to keep them fresh.
- Maintain the water quantity to an extent where the soil is moist, not wet.
- Allow the soil to dry completely in the winter, and water your spider plant once within a couple of weeks.
- Underwatering can be just as dangerous as overwatering.
- The best time to water your plants is in the morning, as the green babies would have the whole day to dry out. A dry plant is also less prone to pests and disease infestation.
- You can also opt to water in the evening if your morning is occupied.
- Loosen the soil from the top regularly to let the air inside and maintain better airflow.
Now, let’s head to the next solution.
2. Ensure Good Drainage
Make sure there is a drainage hole at the pot’s bottom; otherwise, root rot can occur.
Water that pools at the top or the bottom of the spider plant’s container cause its death. Waterlogging is a major cause of plant death.
If the container doesn’t have a drainage hole, it is time to repot your plant in a well-draining pot.
3. Mulch Conserve Moisture
Have you tried all the possible solutions, but your plants still have dry soil?
Don’t worry; we have a hack for you.
A thin layer of organic mulch, such as shredded leaves/bark, pine needles, or compost, can be crucial in reducing evaporation and minimizing water runoff.
Well, you should know that your mulch layer should not be thicker than 1 inch as it will act against the plant’s health by restricting water to reach its root.
4. Pruning Is Necessary
When the leaves of your spider plant turn brown, it means that it is dying, and you are stuck with “How to save a dying spider plant?” in your mind.
You must have heard that it is never too late to mend. Just take out your pruning shears and cut those dried leaves. You can also pinch them off if feasible.
Regular pruning will prevent your spider plant from dying, giving it a new life every time.
Removing dead branches and leaves during pruning makes room for new growth. Therefore, you can save your dying spider plant by pruning it.
Make sure the pruning tools are sterilized to avoid any potential damage to your plant. A careful pruning always results in healthy, fresh, and evergreen foliage.
5. Repotting
You bring a cute small pot of your favorite plant from the nursery.
You feed it, water it regularly, and it grows into a young, healthy, and beautiful plant within no time.
Could you expect the plant to adjust to that small pot throughout its life? You’re getting it right — your all-grown-up plant now needs a bigger home to live in.
Here comes the need for repotting. You should generally report your plant within one to two years, from a smaller container to a bigger one. If not, your plant will be root bound and cease its growth.
Here are some extraordinary benefits of repotting:
- It gives more room for plant growth
- More air enters the root system
- Soil fertility is increased
- Improves good drainage
- Cure waterlogged soil
- Help prevent diseases
- Increases nutrient availability by ensuring equal water distribution
Therefore, you should check whether your spider plant is root bound or not.

6. Give Adequate Fertilizers
Fertilizers are organic or synthetic compounds used to supply essential nutrients to plants.
Fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other minerals that plants need to grow and produce fruits and vegetables.
Fertilizers are often applied through the soil to give the plant the right amount of each nutrient. It helps the plant grow at its optimum rate without being stunted by excess or scarcity of nutrients.
Search your nearby gardening store or online market for a good fertilizer for your spider plant.
Don’t forget to read all the instructions mentioned on the pack to give an adequate amount of fertilizer. Remember, any less or higher than the mentioned scale will harm your spider plant.
7. Treat Infestation
Aphids, gnats, spider mites, and whiteflies are the most common pests that attack houseplants.
If you follow a proper pruning regimen, spotting these insects will be easier early. Once spread, these insects could be a pain in the neck.
A house remedy for these pest attacks on your spider plant is spraying it with neem oil. You can also sprinkle some Silicon Dioxide for 7 days.
Treat these pests as early as possible to avoid damaging your plant.
8. Change Your Plant’s Location
Have you tried all the methods mentioned above, and still, your spider plant is not doing well?
Now is the time to change your plant’s location.
- No, we are not talking about repotting the plant into another container — it’s about replacing the whole plant container with another suitable place.
- You may not realize earlier how damaging it can be for a spider plant to be too close to a furnace, heater, or vent.
- Yes, any heat source near your spider plant imposes great risks.
- Your plant will dry out faster, losing all its reserved nutrients and moisture.
- It may also cause the plant to burn.
- So last but not least, relocate your spider plant to a safer spot away from any furnace or other heat source.
It would be best to decide on the best place for your plant — near the window or door — where it can get indirect sunlight before moving it.
9. The Right Temperature
It would be best to make sure that the new place of your spider plant has the optimal temperature this pant demands.
Spider plants live their best around 18°C to 23°C during the day and 12°C at night. Temperature higher than this causes the spider plant to stress, browning its leaves.
If you notice that the weather conditions are unsuitable for your spider plant, moving it away from a window is recommended.
If a heater or air conditioner is inside, then regular use of a humidity tray or mister is recommended for your plant.
Here’s an amazing YouTube video on SPIDER PLANT CARE!
That’s all for today!
Spider plants are one of the most popular indoor houseplants worldwide.
They are easy to care for, and they can live in a variety of environments. However, like all other living beings, these plants also have needs that must be met to give them a healthy life.
In this article, we discussed some tips on caring for spider plants and preventing them from dying. We’d love to hear if you found this article helpful.
If you find this post interesting, consider sharing it with people!
Happy planting!