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Top 8 Vegetables That Start With C – Amazing Vegetables

There is plenty of taste and nutrients in the vegetables, each with unique health benefits. From preventing chronic disease to reducing oxidative stress, adding vegetables to the daily diet can benefit. The vegetables that starts with C are paramount to humans because of many benefits.

They are unique because they are rich in vitamins and minerals; most parts, like leaves, stems, and roots, contain vitamin E, vitamin A and K, B, nicotinic acid, essential oils, and amino acids. The anti-inflammatory effect not only on the skin but also on all organs.

Vegetables That Start With C

1.      Cabbage

Cabbage Vegetables that start with C
Cabbage via Pixabay

Cabbage is one of the vegetables that starts with C, which is a versatile crop used in many cuisines around the world. It is eaten raw, added to salads, stewed, soups, steamed, stuffed, and baked. 

Cabbage can be used as an independent dish, a side dish for meat, or a filling for pies. All varieties of cabbage are very healthy. 

They contain easily digestible protein, sugar, and a lot of fiber. Eating cabbage regulates blood sugar, and cholesterol levels stimulate the intestines and make the skin youthful. 

Any cabbage is rich in vitamin B and vitamin C. 100 g of raw cabbage provides more than 60% of an adult’s daily requirement in vitamin C.

Many varieties of cabbage contain a rare vitamin, which prevents diseases of the stomach and intestines. Likewise, you will get minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. 

2.      Caigua

Caigua Vegetables that start with C
Caigua via Pxhere

It is a vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, such as pumpkin or watermelon.

Caigua is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help boost the immune system and is a good source of fiber, which helps regulate the digestive tract. Also, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. 

Caigua is best for raw and cooked dishes such as stewing, frying, baking, braising, and boiling. Caigua fruit can be eaten fresh, without any restrictions, like a cucumber, or it can be sliced ​​and tossed into salads, sliced ​​and served with sauces, or mixed and juiced into a soft drink. 

It can also be breaded and fried, used in recipes with green peppers, sautéed as a garnish, or marinated for long-term use. In Peru, caigua is commonly made into a sofrito stew mixed with mashed potatoes. 

In addition to the fruit, the leaves and young shoots are edible and can also be lightly sautéed or added to salads for additional nutrients. 

Caigua goes well with beef, poultry, fish, pork, eggs, red onions, cumin, parsley, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, raisins, olives, and peanuts. Fresh fruit lasts 1 to 2 weeks when stored whole and unwashed in the refrigerator’s fresh food drawer.

3.      Capers

Capers Capparis spinosa Vegetables that start with C
Capers – Capparis spinosa via Flickr

Capers, which are among the vegetables that starts with C are the flower buds of the caper bush (capers), which grow in southern Europe and North Africa. 

They entered Mediterranean cuisines over 2,000 years ago and were an essential export of the ancient Greeks. Similarly, capers are an essential element of Italian, Moroccan, Greek, and Turkish cuisine. Caper buds are rich in fiber, protein, and fat, with the seeds containing up to 36% oil. 

They contain minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamins C, A riboflavin, and niacin. The intense flavor that comes out of the capers is used for marinating in the vinegar. 

White spots on the surface of pickled buds are crystallized rutin (vitamin P), released under the influence of the marinade. 

Ripe capers can be eaten raw, but they are usually pickled. Their bright spicy-salty taste adorns salads, sauces, pizza, meat, and fish dishes. 

Capers are tartar sauce, served with smoked fish, pasta, and martini. Often they are combined with olives. The only downside to capers is their high sodium content. It can be corrected by soaking the capers in water before use, or better, in olive oil.

4.      Cardoon

Cardoon Vegetables that start with C
Cardoon via Pxhere

Cardoon being among the vegetables that starts with C is a prickly plant in the Asteraceae family. 

This cabbage is perennial and is also known as Spanish artichoke, Cardoni, Cardone, carduni, cardi, and its most famous name is leafy vegetables. The leaves are chopped, whipped, 50 cm long, with broad and fleshy main veins. 

Cardoon is rich in sugars, mineral salts, carotenes, vitamins C, B3, B1, B6, B5, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, iron, and many others.

This vegetable has a delicious ingredient for various salads, seasonings, pickles, caramelized, and blanched. The seeds are also edible and are common in southern Italian cuisine. 

Also, the flowers are used dried or made into juices, but the stem is the most used. It looks like a celery stalk.

Cardoon is prepared for appetizers, salads, soups, meatballs, cheeses, broths in Portugal, essential dishes in Spain, spices, and more. In some places in Italy, even for Christmas, soup is served. Cardoon is harvested in winter. 

5.      Carrots

Carrots Vegetables that start with C
Carrots via Pixabay

Carrots are a genus of plants of the Umbelliferae family. It is the biennial plant, where in a first year of life it forms a root crop and a rosette of leaves, and in a second year of life form a seed bush and seeds.

The primary value of carrots is the high content of beta-carotene, vitamin C, K, E, and several B vitamins, including B1, BB3, 2, B6, and B9. 

Of the micro and macro elements, carrots contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zinc, fluorine, and iron.

Carrots are used in folk medicine to treat cardiovascular and intestinal diseases, anemia, and polyarthritis. Its juice is the first remedy for the treatment of beriberi. 

Phytoncides in carrots kill microbes, so carrots are an effective remedy for colds and tonsillitis. The properties of carrots (more precisely, vitamin A) are widely known to strengthen the retina, making them useful for myopia and eye fatigue. 

Carrots are very useful for children and young girls. Its ingredients keep the skin and mucous membranes healthy. 

6.      Cassava

Cassava Vegetables that start with C
Cassava via Wikimedia

As one of the vegetables that starts with C, cassava is a perennial evergreen vegetable, an important food crop in the tropics. Its homeland is South America. 

Cassava is easy to cultivate and is the second most productive crop after sugarcane. It is a staple food for about 8-10% of the world’s population and is widely distributed in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Indonesia.

Cassava contains the main minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and calcium that ensure the child’s complete health and intrauterine development.

Cassava is rich in B vitamins and A, D, E, C, K, and other valuable components. The culture is exceptionally rich in carbohydrates. It is an environmentally friendly raw material for manufacturing bread, pies, various cereals, and other dishes and culinary products.

For those allergic to cereals, cassava flour can replace wheat flour for various baked goods. After heat treatment, cassava is used as a dietary side dish for fish and meat, soups and broths are prepared.

Also, it is used to make chips, jellies, sweets, and other exotic culinary delights: the famous Thai balls, black pearls, cocktails, teas, compotes, etc.

7.      Cauliflower 

Cauliflower Vegetables that start with C
Cauliflower via Wikimedia

Cauliflower is a member of the mustard family with a beautiful nutty flavor. It belongs to the cruciferous vegetables and broccoli, white cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

Cauliflower contains many substances that have anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic properties, protect against diseases of the cardiovascular system, improve brain function, and even prevent weight gain.

The anti-carcinogenic properties of this type of vegetable are provided by unique chemical compounds known as glucosinolates containing sulfur. Beta-carotene, caffeic acid, rutin, and others help to reduce oxidative stress, which increases the risk of cancer and other diseases.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cauliflower are explained by the content of vitamin K, vitamin C, various antioxidants, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which protect blood vessels from plaque formation,

Cauliflower helps to normalize blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition to vitamin C, this vegetable is a rich source of vitamin K, which strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. Vitamin K also takes part in blood clotting processes and enriches the body with calcium. 

8.     Celery

Celery Vegetables that start with C
Celery via

Celery is the herbaceous vegetable of the umbrella family, widely used to prepare salads and as part of dishes. Its leaf, root, and petiole have unique and beneficial properties. The leaf is rich in vitamins C, A, B, E, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus. 

Its anti-inflammatory effect, which helps fight against cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves immunity with regular use and a healthy lifestyle. 

The beneficial properties of the leaves can improve digestion and have a relaxing effect on the muscles. Celery root also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protect against atherosclerosis, increase the body’s overall tone, and saturate it with minerals.

Its juicy and crispy stems can be added to various dishes and used as an independent product. Likewise, celery is considered to be the ideal remedy for weight loss.


Getting the vegetables that start with is now easy with this article. These vegetables are crucial because they have fiber content, which is also suitable for digestion, and in some cases, for diabetes.

In addition, they are rich in vitamins A, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, choline, organic acids, minerals, and essential oils. This helps to improve brain function, has a calming effect on the body, and helps with drowsiness and apathy.