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Why is My Aloe Plant Turning Brown? 7 problems With Solutions!

For many years, aloe plants have remained an uncommon choice for home gardens. However, recently, there has been a surge of interest in these veggies due to their benefits

Not only do these aloe vera plants provide several remedial properties, but they are also excellent for nurturing your health. As a result, more and more households are trying to cultivate aloe plants under their own roofs.

That being said, aloe plants are not exactly the easiest to take care of. Have you ever wondered why is my aloe plant turning brown? Worry not; let me tell you that browning aloe vera is not something too big!

Read the article below, as it is backed up with all the solutions for your aloe vera turning brown.

Why Are The Tips Of My Aloe Plant Turning Brown
Any reason my Aloe tips are turning Brown? – via Reddit

Aloe Vera Plant – At a Glance

The Aloe Vera plant, part of the Liliaceae family, thrives in tropical climates worldwide, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Its distinctive structure, featuring long, fleshy leaves filled with a clear gel, has adapted to survive in arid environments.

These succulent plants contain a unique cocktail of powerful ingredients – over 75 active compounds such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. Scientific research has verified its impressive medicinal properties, ranging from antibacterial to anti-inflammatory, making it a staple in holistic healing.

Even beyond medicine, Aloe Vera finds extensive use in the cosmetic industry, championed for its skin-rejuvenating and moisturizing abilities. This incredible plant, backed by both time-tested tradition and modern science, continues to reveal the diverse potentials of nature’s resources.

Why Are The Aloe Vera Leaf Tips Turning Brown?

If you spot several brown markings at the tip of aloe vera plants, chances are the surrounding environment is not suitable. Too much or too little watering is the primary cause of browning aloe plants. 

In some cases, it boils down to excessively high or low temperatures, improper fertilizers, plant diseases, or pests. 

What To Do When The Tips Of My Aloe Plants Turning Brown

Trying to fix the brown leaves requires an accurate reading of what causes it in the first place. Here are the most popular solutions based on the culprit. 


When you fail to supply your aloe plants with an adequate amount of water, various noticeable symptoms begin to manifest in these indoor plants. The most immediate indication of underwatering in aloe vera plants is a color change, turning brown. These aloe leaves turning brown indicate the aloe plant is dehydrated and should be considered an early warning signal.

Subsequently, the leaves of the aloe plants, which usually have a soft, plump texture due to sufficient moisture, will start to harden and thicken. The lack of hydration forces the aloe plant to conserve moisture, resulting in stiffer, thicker leaves.

If the underwatering situation is not promptly rectified, the aloe plant leaves will start to lose their size over the ensuing days as they contract due to the continued lack of moisture. The brown coloration will also proliferate, extending its reach from the tip to more areas of the leaves, showcasing the severity of the water deprivation.

To prevent irreversible damage and eventual death of your plants, it’s crucial to take swift remedial action. Before watering the plants, checking if the soil is completely dry is advisable. This can be done by inserting a finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry to the touch, it indicates the plant needs watering.

When watering, it’s crucial to be thorough. Water should be distributed evenly, reaching all sides of the plant, to ensure the soil is adequately moistened. After the initial watering, wait a few minutes. This pause allows any excess water to drain from the drainage hole at the pot’s bottom. This is essential as it prevents waterlogging, which could lead to root rot, another detrimental condition for plants.

While aloe plants can withstand periods of low water, consistent underwatering can lead to symptoms like brown aloe vera plants and hardening of leaves, which, if left unaddressed, can prove fatal to the plant. Thus, monitoring the condition of your aloe plant and providing appropriate watering when necessary is imperative to make the plant healthy.


If you notice your aloe vera turning brown, coupled with a squishy texture of the leaves, it’s possible that excessive watering is the cause. Further inspection of the plant might reveal root rot, which often occurs due to excess water in the aloe vera plant. Root rot can be dangerous for plants and can be the major reason for brown aloe plants.

To tackle this, consider re-potting the aloe vera plant in a pot with a drainage hole. This design allows for excess water to escape, preventing soggy soil. For potting soil, replace the wet soil with fresh soil.

Carefully remove the rotted plant roots and squishy leaves to prevent further damage to the remaining healthy parts of the plant. Terracotta pots can be a good choice for aloe plants, as they are porous (drain excess water) and help wick away excess moisture efficiently.

Once the plant is re-potted, it’s important to revisit your watering routine, which may be causing the leaf browning of the aloe plant. Being a succulent, aloe vera does not require frequent watering. In the warmer months, a watering schedule of once a week is adequate, and during the cooler winter months, watering can be reduced to once every two weeks to prevent too much moisture.

When you water your aloe, concentrate on the soil rather than the leaves or roots. Overhead watering could lead to water accumulation on the leaves, causing decay. Before watering, check the soil’s moisture level by inserting your fingers into the pot.

Only proceed with watering if the soil is completely dry. This simple routine check can ensure you’re not overwatering your aloe plant, thereby preventing potential problems associated with it.

Why Are The Tips Of My Aloe Plant Turning Brown
What’s up with the ends of my aloe plant? – via Reddit

High temperatures

A significant increase in temperature due to too much sun can indeed place aloe plants into a state of shock, leading them to turn brown. This sudden change in an environment typically results in observable symptoms of brown leaf tips with shriveled leaves, indicating the plant’s struggle to adapt to the altered conditions.

Moreover, aloe plants require bright, indirect light for optimal growth, and excessive heat exposure can result in sunburn. This not only impairs the aesthetic appearance of the plant but can also negatively impact the quantity and quality of the aloe vera gel produced within the leaves.

Therefore, to maintain plant health, it’s best to keep them indoors or in locations without exposure to direct sunlight. Aloes prefer temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s .important to aim not to exceed this range, if possible,

If your indoor spaces have not enough sunlight, don’t worry. You can supplement the lack of sunlight using artificial lights designed specifically for plants, with fluorescent lights often being a good choice.

These lights can effectively mimic the spectrum of sunlight, ensuring your aloe plants receive the light they need for photosynthesis. Proper lighting conditions are crucial in enabling your aloe plant to maintain its vibrant green color and overall health.

If, despite these interventions, you’re still puzzled by what’s causing your aloe vera plant to turn brown, don’t be disheartened. There could be several reasons behind this, and finding the root cause might require further investigation.

Keep reading, and let’s explore more about the potential issues and their solutions to ensure the health of your aloe plants.

Low temperatures

Similar to heat shocks, cold shocks are also a common cause of the tips of vera plant turning brown. Another sign alerting of the low temperatures is the drooping, as your leaves cannot stand upright. 

If you suspect that your aloe vera plant is distressed due to cold temperatures, it would be advisable to relocate it to a warmer spot with access to indirect light. Avoid placing your aloe plants near windows that get direct sun, which can intensify the cold in warm temperatures, or near drafts caused by cold air from fans or air conditioners, as these can exacerbate the cold stress.

For additional protection, especially for plants kept outdoors, you can use a straw to insulate the base of your aloe plants. This natural mulch helps to retain heat and protect the plant roots from freezing temperatures. By spreading a layer of straw around the plant, you can create a protective barrier that could help your aloe plant withstand extremely cold weather conditions.

These simple measures can go a long way in ensuring the health and vitality of your aloe plants during colder seasons.

Improper fertilizer

Improper fertilization can be one of the causes of an aloe vera plant turning brown.

Aloe vera does not require too much fertilizer or artificial nutrients to grow and thrive. Chemical exposure to aloe plants can cause chemical toxicity leading to brown spots or sometimes yellow leaves caused due to dead tissue of aloe leaves. Occasionally, feeding them with fertilizer is good, but overdoing it and you will have tons of chemical salt eating up the plants from inside. 

As a result, the aloe leaves will quickly turn brown and smell decadent.

So, what to do when you are in this situation? First off, you will have to drench the soil to remove any accumulated fertilizer. Next up, keep the fertilizing frequency at once annually. 

And it is only for growing plants! If the aloe vera is in good condition, there is no need for intervention.

Plant diseases

Fungal diseases typically thrive in warm, dark, and moist conditions. They invade the plant through its roots, leaves, and stems. In aloe vera plants, one of the most visible symptoms is the browning of leaves, starting at the tips and gradually spreading toward the base of the leaf due to fungal disease.

If you suspect a fungal disease is causing the aloe plants turn brown, immediate and decisive action is necessary to halt the progression of the disease. One of the measures you may have to resort to is the removal of all the aloe’s brown leaves.

This radical step might seem detrimental, but it is sometimes the best course of action to prevent the disease from spreading further into the plant or even to other nearby plants. When removing aloe’s leaves, make sure to use a sterile tool to prevent further spreading of the disease.

However, it is important to understand that not all infected plants can be salvaged. In some cases, if the disease has progressed too far or the treatment has been administered too late, it may be necessary to dispose of the affected plant entirely.

This might be a difficult decision to make, but it is often the most effective way to prevent the disease from spreading to other healthy plants in your garden or house.


Bugs, flies, mites, and fungus gnats are a nuisance to aloe plants. If they bite or chew on the leaf tips, you bet that the aloe plant’s leaves will turn to light brown colour. Even worse, the pests can suck out the sap leading to plant death. 

Luckily, you can ward off these uninvited guests by spraying pesticides over the aloe plants. Neem oil or other cleaning chemicals can be applied to the entire leaf.


Can indoor lighting affect aloe plants?

Yes, indoor lighting can certainly affect and turn the aloe plant brown. These succulents prefer bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight, especially harsh afternoon rays, can scorch the plant and cause browning. On the other hand, too little light can hinder growth and lead to a pale or leggy aloe.

How can I prevent my aloe plant from turning brown?

To prevent brown aloe plants, ensure it receives the appropriate amount of light, water, and fertilizer. Typically, aloe plants require a lot of indirect sunlight and should be watered only when the soil is completely dry.

Additionally, they require well-drained soil and prefer a slightly acidic pH. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests or diseases; early detection can help prevent browning and other issues.

Can aloe plants recover from sunburn?

Yes, aloe plants can recover from sunburn, but it’s important to note that the leaves that have been sunburned will not turn green again. These damaged leaves may gradually turn brown, dry out, and eventually fall off.

The plant will continue to grow new, healthy leaves as long as the sunburn is not too severe and the plant is moved to a location with suitable lighting.


Next time, if someone asks you, “Why are the tips of my aloe plants turning brown?” you can tell them confidently it is because of the moisture, temperature, and health conditions of the plants. All you have to do is to fix the environment and ta-da! Your aloe vera will be back as new!