You can’t go wrong with Begonia Maculata. The red undersides, along with the stunning white polka dots, make them mesmerizing, and, understandably, you’d want to grow them so that you can exhibit a lot of these eye-catching plants in your home.
If you are here, you probably have an indoor Begonia Maculata and a question in mind ” How to Propagate Begonia Maculata?”, well, go ahead and give this article a read.
Polka dot begonias are lovely houseplants with big, angel-wing-shaped leaves, a uniquely beautiful polka-dot pattern, and a brilliant purple underside. These active plants bring a bright pop of color to any environment. It is easy to keep this attractive houseplant if you know the fundamentals.
To grow and cultivate begonia flowers, you must first learn how to care for them. Keep reading to learn all there is to know about polka dot begonia care and propagation. This is a specific care guide for polka dot begonia.

How To Propagate Begonia Maculata
Taking pieces of a begonia maculata and rooting them to form new plants is called propagation. Some types of propagation need greater expertise than others, as well as different conditions.
However, anyone can easily grow begonia maculata without difficulty. To thrive in your yard, begonias need partial shade and humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Begonia maculata can be propagated in three different ways. They involve leaf cutting, stem cutting, as well as seed planting. Leaf-cutting and stem cutting are the simplest of the three, as long as the humidity and soil moisture levels are within acceptable ranges.
Leaf Cuttings As a Source of Propagation for Begonia Maculata
- Clip a handful of fresh leaves off a matured plant.
- Slice the leaves into a wedge-like form with a sharp, clean knife.
- Make sure that each wedge piece has veins.
- Fill a tiny container halfway with well-drained topsoil. You might use a combination of peat, vermiculite, and perlite moss.
- Place the pot in a plastic bag and put it in a bright, warm location away from direct sunlight after inserting the leaf wedges into the soil.
- Once two leaves emerge from the cutting after 4 to 6 weeks, apply fertilizer in the form of diluted liquid at the dosage rate of 50% specified on the product label.
- Place the small plants in a sunny, warm location with indirect light on them.

Stem Cuttings As a Source of Propagation for Begonia Maculata
Begonia Maculata may also be propagated from stem cuttings known as rhizomes, long, thick stems cultivated in the ground.
- Remove the begonia’s horizontal rhizome from the soil.
- Make 1 to 2 inch-long cutting portions on the rhizome with a sharp, slim paring knife.
- Leaf stems should be removed from the cutting segments.
- The peat-based potting mix should be used to fill a seedling pot. Make sure the soil line is half an inch away from the top rim.
- In each seedling container, place one rhizome.
- Ensure the leaf scar, old stem base, or bud faces upward, and the cutting is put horizontally.
- With your fingertips, gently tamp the soil around the cutting base.
- Place the cuttings in a warm, shaded place. Covering the cutting outside in a covered potting area or putting it indoors in a brightly lit room are both viable options.
- For the next 6 to 10 weeks, keep an eye on the cuttings and the soil, and keep it moist.
- If the cuttings are successfully rooted, a miniature leaf will emerge from the cut edge or the cutting’s leaf scar.
- Cuttings that do not produce fresh new leaves after 14-16 weeks should be discarded.

Planting Seeds As a Source of Propagation for Begonia Maculata
Begonia maculata can be propagated from the seeds rather than purchasing transplants from a grower, giving you greater variety and value for money.
- It takes a long time and a lot of effort to propagate Begonia maculata from its seeds. Damping-off and botrytis are two fungal diseases that can affect plants.
- Begonia maculata seeds are very few, so you’ll need to start over with new seedling trays or flats if you’re starting from scratch.
- Use sterile potting soil that has been uniquely formulated for seed starting.
- Fill seed trays halfway with sterilized potting soil.
- With your fingertips or a flat piece of cardboard, spread the seeds around the surface of the potting mix and push them on the surface of the soil. Covering the seeds is not recommended.
- Place the seed trays in a shady area with plenty of light.
- Your seedlings will germinate enough for transplanting after a period of 4 to 6 weeks.
- Seeds of Begonia maculata must be transplanted when they are still immature.
Factors for Effectively Propagating Begonia Maculata

1. Light Requirement
This plant must be placed in a location that receives the right amount of indirect bright light. Avoid putting the plant in direct sunlight. If the amount of sunshine received daily becomes too high, Begonia Maculata can display indications of distress.
2. Watering
The watering of the begonia maculata is one of the most challenging aspects of healthy begonia plant care. This is because begonia maculata thrives when it receives adequate water.
They dislike being overwatered, though, making it tough to maintain a proper balance between dry and wet soil in the mix.
3. Potting Soil
Begonia maculata can be cultivated in any soil as long as it is well-draining and retains moisture for an extended period. Waterlogged heavy clay soil is undesirable for growing begonias, as it can cause stem and root rot.
Use a general-purpose potting soil with good drainage or a potting mix with wood chips, coco coir, vermiculite, or perlite.
4. Temperature
Begonias like temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (degrees Fahrenheit) with an overnight low of around 60 degrees, but they can tolerate higher temperatures if protected from harsh sun rays.
5. Fertilizer
Use a three-part fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. A balanced fertilizer is required since it will keep the spotted green and silver foliage vibrant and healthy.
6. Pruning
To develop beautiful bushy potted begonia maculata plants, frequent pruning is essential. Pruning encourages begonias to grow out rather than up.
7. Humidity
Begonias, like other plants, require at least 55% humidity, which is more than the typical room humidity.
Most begonias are tender perennials, but some are cold-tolerant. A Begonia maculata is an exotic species that requires care and attention to grow well indoors.
Grow this type of plant in indirect bright light and make sure the soil mix is neither too wet nor too dry. Proper begonia maculata water and fertilizer management will help the plant grow faster while maintaining an even humidity level is crucial.
If you are new to begonias or growing them indoors and concerned about their propagation, follow this guide to have healthy and vibrant Begonias.