The Monstera deliciosa is a tropical plant that has been popular in the United States for the last few years.
It belongs to a species of flowering plants in the Arum family, native to tropical forests of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.
It is also known as “Split-leaf philodendron” or “Swiss cheese plant” due to its large, distinctive leaves.
The plant can grow up to 10 meters tall, so pruning it is essential. Pruning Monstera deliciosa is critical to its growth and development, so we are here to explain how to prune Monstera deliciosa.
By pruning, you can encourage the plant to produce new growth, prevent it from getting too large, and keep it looking its best.
Read further to learn how to prune Monstera deliciosa for its optimal growth and development.
Let’s begin!
What Is Monstera Deliciosa?
Monstera deliciosa is a species of flowering plants native to the tropical forests of southern Mexico, northern Central America, and Panama.
- The plant is known for its large, glossy leaves, which are often split or perforated.
- Monstera deliciosa grows as an epiphyte or lithophyte, meaning it typically doesn’t need soil to thrive and can often be found growing on trees or rocks.
- The plant is also called the “Swiss cheese plant” due to the characteristic holes in its leaves.
- Monstera deliciosa is a fast-growing plant and can reach heights of up to 20 m (65 ft) in the wild.
- However, when grown indoors as a houseplant, it is typically much smaller, reaching only 1–2 m (3–6 ft).
- The plant produces small white flowers, which turn into edible fruits. These fruits are often eaten raw or used in juices and smoothies.
Prune your Monstera deliciosa regularly to ensure it remains healthy and grows to its full potential.
You can prune the plant anytime during the year, but spring is generally the best time.
What Is Pruning?
Proper pruning techniques vary depending on the type of plant being pruned.
Monstera deliciosa is a tropical evergreen vine that can grow up to 30 feet long. It is often grown as a houseplant and can easily propagate by stem cuttings.
Pruning is the process of removing dead, dying, or diseased leaves, branches, or stems from a plant.
It can also be done to shape a plant or to remove unwanted growth.
When pruning Monstera deliciosa, removing any leaves that are yellowing, browning, or have holes in them is important. These leaves are no longer photosynthesizing and drag on the plant’s energy.
Pruning will also encourage new growth.
Benefits of Pruning Monstera Deliciosa!
Pruning is an activity that gardeners and homeowners often carry out.
- It involves the removal of dead, diseased, or damaged plant parts.
- Pruning can also be done to shape and control the growth of a plant.
While some people may see pruning as a tedious task, this activity has many benefits.
- Pruning can improve the health of your Monstera deliciosa, help it to produce more flowers or fruit, and make it more aesthetically pleasing.
- Pruning your Monstera deliciosa is an integral part of plant care.
There are several reasons why you might want to prune your plant.
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of pruning and how you can make the most of this gardening practice.
Promotes Plant Health
Pruning is a vital horticultural practice that helps maintain the health of plants.
By removing dead, dying, or diseased tissues, pruning can help improve the overall health of a plant. In addition, pruning can also help promote new growth, shape plants, and increase air circulation.
All of these benefits can help improve the overall health of your plants.
Maintains Plants and Landscapes
Pruning produces strong, aesthetically pleasing plants and landscapes.
Pruning helps control plant growth, encourages fruit production, improves flower bud development, and reduces the risk of disease and pests.
- When pruning, removing dead, diseased, or damaged tissues is essential—it ensures that the plant’s energy is focused on healthy growth.
- Next, thin out crowded or crossing branches to improve air circulation and light penetration.
- Finally, cut back stems that are too long or out of proportion with the rest of the plant.
Pruning should be done regularly, at least once a year, for most plants. Some plants may require frequent pruning, while others can be left unpruned for longer periods. The type of pruning will also vary depending on the plant species.
Some plants respond well to heavy pruning, while others require only light trimming.
NOTE: If unsure how or when to prune your Monstera deliciosa, consult a professional landscaper or read this article until the end.
Pruning can help keep your Monstera deliciosa healthy with proper care and attention.
Protects Your Family and Property
By removing dead or dying branches, you can prevent them from falling and causing damage. Pruning also helps improve the overall appearance of your home, making it look tidier and more well-kept.
Reduces Pests and Insect Control
Pruning can have several benefits for your plants, including reducing the spread of pests and diseases and providing protection from harsh weather conditions.
Removing diseased or damaged leaves can help prevent infection from spreading to other parts of the plant.
Controls Plant Diseases
Regularly pruning your plant will help it stay strong and healthy by preventing it from becoming too large and unmanageable, as dense foliage is the home for many pests and infections. Regular pruning discourages all such stuff.
Pruning helps to control some diseases that can affect your plant. Removing infected leaves or stems can help stop the spread of bacterial infections like leaf spots or stem rot.
Additionally, pruning out any dead or dying leaves or stems will help prevent these diseases from taking hold in the first place.
Enhances Plant Growth
One of the benefits of pruning is that it can enhance plant growth.
Pruning can stimulate plant growth by encouraging the production of new leaves and branches. It can also help to improve the quality of leaves and fruits and increase the number of fruits produced.
In addition, pruning can help control a plant’s shape, making it more aesthetically pleasing.
Gets Rid of Damaged Plant
If your Monstera deliciosa plant has any damaged, dead, or dying plant parts, it’s crucial to remove them as soon as possible. It will help the plant stay healthy and avoid any potential problems.
That said, let’s now see how to prune Monstera deliciosa!
How to Prune Monstera Deliciosa?
For all you plant lovers out there, this post is for you.
More specifically, it’s for those who want to know how to prune Monstera deliciosa correctly.
Pruning is a delicate process; if not done correctly, it can permanently damage your plant. This step-by-step guide will take you through everything you need to know about how to prune Monstera deliciosa.
From the tools you’ll need to the proper techniques, you’ll be a pro at pruning your Monstera deliciosa (or any other variety) by the end of this post.
1. Gather the Tools
Don’t be confused with what you need to prune your Monstera deliciosa plant.
There are many pruning tools, but they all have one thing in common. They are used to cut off branches and stems from plants and shrubs.
You can use some of these tools to remove dead or diseased plant material, while others can be used to shape and maintain a plant’s form.
Here are the things you must gather before starting to prune your Monstera:
- Sharp gardening shears
- Thick gardening gloves
- Any disinfectant (to sterilize your tools)
Always use clean, sharp tools when pruning to avoid damaging the plant. You can sterilize them or wipe them with a disinfectant.
Now, let’s move to the next step.
2. Identify the Monstera Nodes
After gathering all the necessary tools, prepare for pruning by first removing any dead or dying leaves.
Nodes are the small, brownish bumps that appear on the stems of Monsteras. They are where new leaves will sprout.
To prune your Monstera, you must identify and cut above the nodes.
To find the nodes, look closely at the stem of your plant. They should be easy to spot!
3. Plan and Decide Where to Cut
After assessing the plant, you must decide which branches must be removed.
- Start by looking at the plant’s overall shape and identify any areas that are too dense or overcrowded.
- Once you have a general idea of which areas need to be thinned out, take a closer look at each branch and stem.
- Look for any that are dead, damaged, or diseased—these should be removed first.
- Next, consider the remaining branches and stems and decide which ones can be shortened or removed entirely without compromising the plant’s overall shape.
When in doubt, entertaining caution and leaving more rather than less is better.
4. Prune Carefully
Once you have made your decisions,
- Use sharp pruning shears to make clean cuts at the desired points.
- Make a clean cut above the node of your Monstera deliciosa. New leaves will sprout from the node, so ensure not to remove too many.
- Next, cut back any excessively long vines.
- If the plant is too large and unwieldy to manage, you may need to trim it further.
- Sterilize your pruning tools with rubbing alcohol or a similar disinfectant before heading to the next plant part.
- It is best to remove any dead or dying leaves. (These can be easily identified as they will be discolored and drooping.)
- Next, cut back any long, leggy stems—these are typically located near the base of the plant.
- Once you’ve removed the dead and dying leaves and stems, it’s time to focus on the remaining foliage. Trim back any overgrown leaves or stems so they’re in proportion with the rest of the plant.
- Cut back the main stem of the plant by a third or so.
Doing all will encourage new growth from the base of the plant, resulting in denser foliage.
5. Trim the Aerial Roots if Needed
If your Monstera is growing out of control and you need to prune it back, you may need to trim the aerial roots.
Aerial roots are the roots that grow out of the stem and help the plant climb. They can also absorb water and nutrients from the air.
Cut the aerial roots back to the main stem when pruning your Monstera.
There you go! Now you know how to prune Monstera deliciosa.
However, here’s a visual guide for you:
How Often Should Monstera Deliciosa Be Pruned?
Pruning is a key to keeping your Monstera deliciosa healthy and happy.
But how often should you prune your plant, and what’s the best way to do it?
Here are a few things to remember when deciding how often to prune your Monstera:
- The pruning frequency will depend on your plant’s size and health. You must prune a smaller, younger plant more often than a larger, older one.
- Also, remember that pruning can be done at any time of year, but it’s best to do it in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.
Let me tell you how you can care for the plant after you’ve pruned it. 😊
Aftercare of Pruned Monstera Deliciosa!
After you have pruned your Monstera deliciosa, it is vital to take care of it properly to ensure that it grows healthy and strong.
Here are some aftercare tips:
- Water the plant deeply and regularly, especially during the summer months.
- Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.
- Pruning is needed to keep the plant compact and encourage new growth.
- Place the plant in a bright location but out of direct sunlight.
- Make sure the removed material is disposed of properly to prevent the spread of any diseases.
- The dead leaves serve as mulch for your soil.
This aftercare will help your Monstera deliciosa recover from the pruning and grow strong and healthy.
You will have a happy and healthy plant after following these simple aftercare tips!
Pruning your Monstera deliciosa is essential in keeping it healthy and looking its best.
Pruning encourages new growth, and if you want your plant to stay full and healthy, regular pruning is necessary.
We hope that this guide briefly answers how to prune Monstera deliciosa. With a bit of patience and the abovementioned tips, you’ll be able to prune your plant like a pro in no time.
Thanks for reading, and good luck with your gardening!
We will be waiting for your feedback in the comment section below.