Hoya Crimson Queen is the variegated wax plant that originated from Southeast Asia. It can grow to about 20 feet long even though its size is limited indoors.
Typically, this makes it manageable as the houseplant. It has waxy leaves about 2-3 inches long and 2 inches wide. Hoya Crimson Queen is treasured because of its stunning blooms and beautiful looks.
Also, it is fragrant during the blooming season, even though the scent is distinct in the evenings. Hoya Crimson Queen produces beautiful and round clusters of scented flowers. The waxy and star-shaped flowers are pinkish with reddish in the centers.
Hoya Krimson Queen Care Tips
1. Soil
Hoya Krimson Queen needs loose and breathable neutral to slightly acidic soil, although some species prefer somewhat alkaline soil. In general, the plant is not too demanding on the composition of the soil mixture.
Peat soil is good, which needs to be compost of turf, leafy soil, and sand. It is recommended to add a bit of crushed sphagnum moss and a handful of charcoal to the finished substrate. For Hoya Krimson Queen, you can also use ready-made mixtures for orchids or violets.
2. Lighting
Hoya Krimson Queen needs optimal light when growing. On the eastern or western windows, this plant blooms well for a long time and luxuriantly. The flower pot is kept further from the window on the south side, or shading agents are used to protecting the shoots from direct scorching rays.
Despite the size of the stems, it is not recommended to use Hoya Krimson Queen for landscaping a balcony or veranda in the summer. Under direct rays, the plant will develop worse. During the dormant period, try to keep the plant away from heating appliances in winter.
3. Watering
Abundant watering of Hoya Krimson Queen is required only during the growing season. It occurs during the spring and summer months. The earthen ball should always be in a slightly moistened state.
In the winter months, it begins a dormant period, and water at this time should be drastically reduced. Spraying during this period is wholly excluded.
4. Temperature
The optimal temperature for the growth and development of Hoya Krimson Queen is considered to be a range of 16-35 °C. But in addition to heat, the plant also needs air movement, so the room with Hoya Krimson Queen should be systematically ventilated.
You should not expose the pot to cold air flows – the Hoya Krimson Queen does not like drafts. In winter, the temperature in the room can be slightly lowered – coolness up to 15 degrees is considered comfortable for the Hoya Krimson Queen, but if it is lower than that, it can make the plant die.
5. Top dressing
Hoya Krimson Queen requires a sufficient amount of nutrients. The entire growing season, the plant is fed with liquid mineral compounds. Suitable as fertilizer for orchids and flowering succulents. Fertilizer is applied to the soil every couple of weeks, calculating the dosage according to the instructions.
By adjusting the composition of nutritional supplements, you can achieve green mass growth or lusher flowering. Excessive amounts of fertilizer will adversely affect the health and beauty of the bush.
If Hoya Krimson Queen has been transplanted into nutrient soil, it will begin to feed after 2-3 months. In winter, when the bush is resting, fertilizer is not applied.
6. Humidity
Most types of Hoyas are not too demanding on the level of humidity, so ordinary room air usually suits the Hoya Krimson Queen. But its excessive dryness can still be harmful to the plant. Hoya Krimson Queen can be put on a pallet with wet pebbles or sprayed on its foliage during such periods.
You can also wipe or spray the vine’s foliage for sanitary purposes. It is periodically cleaned of dust, helping to improve the metabolic processes inside the leaf. But during the flowering period, spraying is not recommended.
7. Transplant
Mature Hoya Krimson Queen needs to be transplanted every three years. Also, the young specimens need an annual transplant, as they will grow and develop much more intensively in large pots.
Any pot will do, but there should be holes in the bottom to drain excess moisture. Good drainage from expanded clay or vermiculite is required.
Propagation methods
i. Propagation by cuttings
The easiest and most effective way to propagate Hoya Krimson Queen is by cuttings. The cuttings are cut in the spring. Besides, a sharp knife is used for the procedure. The cutting should have several internodes and leaf blades.
You can root the cuttings both in the substrate and in water. Containers with plants are covered with plastic flasks and moved to a warm place.
The appearance of new leaf plates means successful rooting. When Hoya Krimson Queen gets stronger, transplant into a pot filled with fresh nutrient substrate.
ii. Propagation by leaf
A leaf can propagate hoya Krimson Queen with a petiole rudiment. The lower part of the leaf, where the petiole began to form, is dipped for several minutes in a root-forming solution.
Then it is planted in a light nutrient substrate. When growing, maintain an angle of inclination of 45 degrees. After sometimes the leaf will develop some roots.
iii. Propagation by layering
The propagation method by layering is used when necessary to achieve the flowering of Hoya Krimson Queen in the first year. Healthy-looking and strong shoots are cut. Moistened moss and a film are tied to the incision site with twine.
When the roots are formed, the node is separated from the mother plant and planted in a separate container. When 3-4 leaves appear, pinching is performed, which is to form a lush crown of the plant.
Pests and diseases
Hoya Krimson Queen has a relatively low resistance to diseases and pests, which are known. But it should be noted that problems in growing are often associated with violation of detention conditions and improper care. Too dry and warm air can provoke harmful insects’ appearance and mass reproduction.
Common pests of Hoya Krimson Queen are thrips, aphids, scale insects, spider mites, and mealybugs. To get rid of pests, broad-spectrum insecticides are used, particularly Aktara, Inta-Vir, Aktellik, and Iskra.
Hoya Krimson Queen is the wax plant with waxy and star-shaped flowers, which have pinkish color and reddish in the centers. This makes this plant stunning with the distinct scent in the evenings. Your homestead will look amazing with proper care and control of pests and diseases.