Monstera Pinnatipartita is an epiphytic plant that has built quite a reputation in the last couple of years. It was one of the most highly demanded plants of the year 2020. These plants are widely known for their unique characteristics, as they change the whole outlook of their foliage after reaching a mature age.
These plants are considered fan favorites because of their exceptional foliage colors that fenestrate as they grow up.
The caring is quite easy as they do not ask a lot from you and grow healthy under different environmental conditions; however, we have provided you with a complete guide on how you can make your plant grow with maximum pace and health.

Characteristics of Monstera Pinnatipartita
These plants are often confused for Monstera Peru, so make sure that you keep all the distinctive features in mind before buying your plant.
These plants have dark green color on the upper side and medium green color on the underside of the leaves. These leaves fenestrate as they grow mature, so it isn’t easy to relate them in two different life cycle stages.
They have deep splits in the middle of the leaf ribs, which is the main difference between Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru.
Height and width
They can grow between 4 to 6 feet high in average household conditions. However, these plants can reach a maximum height of 66 feet in their natural habitat, which takes about 10 years to attain.
These plants produce monocot flowers, a spathe and spadix structure usually seen in many plants’ flowers.
The origins of the plant are in the South American rainforests of Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, so make sure that you provide them with similar environmental conditions to flourish and thrive at their maximum pace and health.
These plants are mildly toxic, so make sure that you keep them at a distance from your pets and children. If you notice any swelling, irritation, or pain in the mouth of your pet, then immediately consult a doctor, as leaf ingestion could be the reason behind it.
Climbing nature
They can be trained to climb up a wall or a tree. It is a unique characteristic that allows the plant to be used like all the other regular plants with a pot or as a climbing plant to cover the whole area with its beautiful foliage layer.
The USDA zone of these plants is 11b and 12, so you must know how the plants are grown in these regions and what conditions they prefer. We have provided a complete set of instructions for you to keep the plant under its desired conditions below.

Caring tips for Monstera Pinnatipartita
These plants are quite easy to care for, so relax if you are someone who has just started pursuing his dream of a great plant collection.
In their natural habitat, these plants climb up to reach the bright light coming from the sun. They require plenty of bright light, but it is always recommended to filter through a window or some other medium.
Direct sunlight can burn the plant’s leaves, so it is always better to keep your sensitive Monstera Pinnatipartita in partial shade.
Water your plant once a week under ideal temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Otherwise, keep a check on the soil; water it if the upper layer feels dry. If you notice the leaves changing their color to yellow, cut back on the water for at least two weeks.
Use a soil mix with half organic matter and half sandy potting soil mixed with perlite. The soil must be kept moist to help the plant thrive with its maximum health and speed. Make sure that your pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from soaking in water.
The ideal temperature range for these plants is 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They enjoy living in a mildly warm environment similar to tropical rainforests.
These plants can also survive under low temperatures, but make sure that it does not fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Extremely low temperatures can completely stunt the growth of the plant.
A humidity level above 60 percent is ideal for your plant. A higher humidity level is always favorable, so keep the moisture level stable by misting your plant when the atmosphere is dry. You can also use a humidifier to increase the humidity level.
We recommend you feed the plant every 4 to 6 weeks between spring and summer with 20-20-20 or 20-10-10 balanced fertilizer. Fertilizing the plant boosts its growth, but make sure that you reduce the feeding once the winter season arrives.
Pest and other diseases
These plants are somewhat resistant to pests, but we advise you to use insecticidal soap to eliminate any risk of getting infected by pests like mealybugs and spider mites. You can also use neem oil once every month to protect your plant from pests.
Propagating tips for Monstera Pinnatipartita
The easiest method to propagate your Monstera Pinnatipartita is stem cutting. This process is the most economical and requires minimal effort. We have listed down a few tips to execute the propagation process properly.
- Choose a stem and make a clean cut with the help of a cleaned knife.
- Make sure that the stem has some leaves intact.
- Remove the leaves on the bottom of the stem leaving the ones above intact.
- Submerge the cutting in a container with water, ensuring that the leaves remain out of it.
- Wait for at least 1 to 2 weeks for the new roots to develop.
- Plant the roots in the soil and keep them under lighting and temperature conditions mentioned earlier in this guide.
Monstera Pinnatipartita is one of the most beautiful plants with an exceptional foliage color. We have provided a complete guide to help you get the best out of your precious plant, so make sure that you follow all the tips carefully.