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The Pothos or Epipremnum aureum is native to the Society Islands of French Polynesia and belongs to the arum family Araceae. It is an evergreen plant with thick, waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves speckled with yellow. For specifications like easily cared and aesthetic looks, this plant is great for houseplant.

Read More about Why Is My Pothos Droopy – 6 Main Reasons With Solutions!

Monstera aerial roots are the integral and important parts. Those roots that are in the lower part of the trunk, when they grow, direct them into the ground to let them take root there. In essence, the monstera aerial roots act as the other organ of nutrition and like the support device. Indeed, no one …

Read More about What To Do With Monstera Aerial Roots – A Quick Guide!

Distinguishing between these two plants is complex, and it is possible to make a mistake. You might be wondering what these plants are and what separates them from one another. When comparing these plants, the significant distinctions to examine are foliage, growth rate, lighting requirements, and so on.

Read More about Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos: Which Plant Should You Get?

The prayer plant, also called Maranta Leuconeura is an inhabitant in South America. It belongs to the Marantaceae family and is well-known for the flat leaves of different colors that fold at night and look like praying hands. Prayer plants can be grown indoors throughout the year, making them good-looking annually, especially in the chilly …

Read More about Why Do Prayer Plants Move – Crucial Answers!

Plants’ care, especially for a beginner, is based on trial and error. They can be as one like a person with his own needs. Water, a suitable vase, and sunlight are the basics, though you can do it underwater or overwater. Excess or the little sun is more common than you might think. Sometimes it …

Read More about Why Is My Succulent Turning Purple – 6 Main Reasons!

The asparagus fern is an incredible plant in the family of lilies. It can be frustrating when you start noticing that your asparagus fern is turning yellow, and you are unaware of what might be causing it. But why is my Asparagus fern turning yellow? Well, in this article, we explain what causes yellowing in …

Read More about Why is my Asparagus Fern Turning Yellow – 6 Important Solutions

ZZ (also known as Zamioculcas Zamiifolia or Zanzibar Gem) is a tropical plant in the aroid (Araceae) family native to Eastern Africa. It’s characterized by its dark emerald green leaves, distinctive feathered appearance, and unique potato-like root system known as rhizomes. These rhizomes can store water, making the plant a drought-tolerant houseplant that doesn’t require …

Read More about Why Is My ZZ Plant Drooping? (6 Causes & Tips To Recover)

How exciting it is to execute the steps on how to grow strawberries indoors? You can imagine your face with a beaming smile and eyes full of delight. How can you not feel that way if we’re talking about strawberries! Everybody loves strawberries, we can bet on that. Each of your family members would surely …

Read More about How To Grow Strawberries Indoors – A Step-by-Step Guide

Aloe vera is a common houseplant that can hold water in its leaves for extended periods. While this plant requires quite a little water, calculating how much water it needs is challenging. Climate, location, and season may all impact the frequency with which aloe vera plants are irrigated, putting them at risk of being underwatered. …

Read More about What Does An Underwatered Aloe Plant Look Like? (7 Obvious Signs)

Starting a home garden can be challenging, but it has several benefits. A home garden adds beauty to your home. The plants also provide a beautiful environment for you to enjoy. An easy care indoor plant is grown mainly for residences and offices. It is mostly used for decoration and to add complexity to a …

Read More about 10 Amazing Easy Care Indoor Plants to Beautify Your Home!

If you prefer something inexpensive, less demanding and equally charming as most plants, easy to propagate houseplants are an ideal and practical choice. You can keep your home eco-friendly with more opportunity to reduce toxins through these plants whether it’s a good sunny season or chilly winter.

Read More about Top 16 of the Low Maintenance, Easy To Propagate Houseplants

There are several best bedroom plants to choose and grow. These do not only give some green beauty into your own room but also provide some fresh air. Study shows that varieties of indoor air purifying plants provide fresh air that can help limit bad odor and prevent toxins from occupying your most comfortable space. …

Read More about 17 of the Best Bedroom Plants – Leafy and Flowers

There’s nothing wrong with having plants in the bathroom, but which best bathroom plants should be taken into consideration? While you can have plants in the living room and in the dining area due to their much larger space, there is some room for a plant or two in the bathroom too. It is a …

Read More about 17 of the Low Maintenance and Best Bathroom Plants